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*Not proofread, so there are going to be some mistakes *


"Tie checked

Hair checked

Smile checked" I smiled at Rakshit and Niel  as they both smiled at me , they both looked handsome would be underestimation, one look at them and I'm sure the girls would not be able to stop themselves

But you know only Neil is available, I'm gonna sue them if they come near my Rakshit!

Four months had past by with me living with them and with the time I realised my feelings for that mental.

And I was going to surprise him by confessing today after they both their awards off

'The best business tycoons of 2020-21'

I couldn't be more happy when I came to know that both my favourite people were receiving the award they deserved

And the moment they told me I couldn't be more happy as I literally pounced on them

Rakshits company was now standing first

And that donkey couldn't stop whining about how we were more special to him then everyone

It was only when Niel warned him that he'll  take his food and ran away, that he stopped whining and kept his mouth shut

The boys have some strong bonding with food that they can settle in the Chinese fast food restaurant forever

And today here we are, getting ready for the ceremony

I grinned at them as I stepped out wearing a high low cocktail dress that both of them had selected for me, along with the heels that champ brought for me, which were given to him by Rakshit and I guarantee that

(A/N:check the header for their dresses)

Their jaw touched the ground making me giggle, as I took my finger and tipped their the chin up shutting their mouths

"Oh damn sunshine!! Your sunlight is gonna make someone blind you know" Niel looked over at Rakshit and passed him a smirk, while Rakshit rolled his eyes and smirked as well

"Umm she looks okay okay" Now this was my time to narrow my eyes as I passed him am extra sweet smile

"Wish I could say that to you, but you know I can't lie " I smirked at him while he widened his eyes making niel laugh

Lies lies lies lies, you said they look more then handsome

Yup I said that but they don't need to know, I ain't gonna boost their big ego

"Ouch that hurts" Rakshit said keeping his hands on his chest while Niel inspected his chest to see if really he was hurt

Some things like this is what only Neil can do, these boys are sweethearts completely, if someone had said that they are scary I would have started laughing like a manic

Champ was going to stay back home with the helpers, till the time we came back

The ride to the venue was  not long  because we had our private entertainer named Niel who couldn't shut his mouth

"Rakshit! Why do we have to breath? You know it's not at all necessary to breath" Such a sensible question isn't it? But what else can we expect from Niel who was just asking that milky bar is a piece of milky Way galaxy

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