Shot -1

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First of all a very happy birthday to one of my favourite people  _timewaste_ , stop wasting your time do something creative you idiotic rabbit *shooing you away *
And secondly I heard that people are copying mine and ddrrrs2pt0 stories so if you find our stories anywhere else rather then our profile then please report them     



Rakshit we need to break up, I can't stay with you anymore you know  your company has broken down, and then umm you know we can't be together my parents won't allow you get right what I'm saying , so bye Rakshit, it's over " With that lavanya stomped from my house while I tried to stop her but in vain

A bitter chuckle escaped my mouth , with more then hundred friends and relative here I was, alone today....

The one whom I loved has abandoned me , my friends are not picking my calls when they are the same once I had helped with my funds.

And thus destiny proved it to me, everything is depended on money every damn freaking thing , the vase that was standing royally was now shattered on the ground just like my feelings , as I sat on the ground with a thump

My company suffered a big loss, everyone I though were my real friends abandoned me  leaving me all by my self

I was deep in my thoughts when I felt something wet on my face making me open my eyes as I saw my golden retriever licking my face my head whipped up while I saw my best friend Niel raising his eye brows at me while he made himself comfortable besides me

"What are you doing here? Basically with a loser like me " I chuckled at my own joke while I could see his eyes piercing into me

"Stop saying that got it, you ain't a loser you are a winner, you helped everyone you could it isn't your fault that they are not like you, and about being a loser even I was one but you helped me to rise so high if I'm here today then it's because of you and of it about that bloody gold digger ex-girlfriend I suppose , then well I'm happy for that because I and champ didn't like her, gosh overdramatic gold digger, right champ" Niel finished his sentence when an "woof" From champ told us his answer

I sighed as I faced them both and passed them a sad smile

"I loved her and I am not going to stop loving  I'll do all the possible ways to get her back" I said to them while they both narrowed their eyes at me

If one thing I was clear was that even if anyone leaved me  , I knew these both had my back , Niel was my childhood buddy we both grew up together and then I brought champ few months back but now he and champ are like the best buddies

He takes champ for walks when I can't

I smiled at champ as he brought me food packed in a bag while Niel brought us two plates and one bowl for champ


           *two months later*

"Rak, come na come rak if you don't come with us then I'll not eat my chocolate, and if I don't eat my chocolate I'll go on talking and if I go on talking I'll irrita-" I glared Niel who was insisting me to go to a Psychiatrist, like does he think I'm a psycho?

"No I'm not going okay I'm not psycho" I closed my eyes in frustration while I could see him pouting

"Fine, but I'm not mad"

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