Rescue Bully

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Mia went to school just like she would on any other day. She sat on her desk in class and took her sketchbook out while waiting for her teacher to arrive.
She decided to draw something. Mia was very good at drawing. She was just adding the last few strokes when someone snatched her notebook.
She looked up to see her nemesis, Butch. Mia always thought he resembled one of those big dogs that shared the same name.
"Lookie what we got here," Butch sneered, looking at her masterpiece. "Is this supposed to be pretty?"
"Give it back!" Mia shouted, reaching for it.
But to her dismay, Butch was too tall. What made it worse was Butch held it above his head, making it impossible for her to reach it.
"Hey!" Someone shouted, punching Butch.
Butch turned around to see Harley, Mia's good friend.
"What do you want, Butthead?" Butch growled.
"Give that back," Harley said sternly. "It's not yours to keep."
"Make me," Butch said with an evil smirk.
"Oh hi Mr Higgins!" Harley greeted, facing the door.
Butch quickly put the notebook back on Mia's desk and ran back to his place.
But to his surprise, no Mr Higgins came. Harley started laughing at Butch's face.
"What are you laughing at?" Butch asked. "Where's Mr Higgins?"
"In his office, duh," Harley said with a smirk. He turned to Mia. "You okay, Mia?"
"Yeah, thanks Harley," Mia said, turning back to her notebook. "Thanks for tricking Butch into returning the book."
"You're gonna pay for it, idiot!" Butch said, glowering at Butch. "See you at break."
Mia shuddered at what he would do to Harley. Harley looked unfazed and just smirked at him.
"We'll see," Harley simply said. "See you too."
He went back to his place. Mia just looked at the two of them.
'I need to stop this,' Mia thought.
The teacher walked in and the lessons began.

Mia walked over to the canteen during break. She bagged a table and sat down, taking her lunchbox out of her bag. She started eating while drawing something on her sketchbook.
Her friend, Isabella came soon after. She smiled at Mia and put her bottle in the table before going over to the counter to buy something.
Mia and Isabella were best friends since freshman year. But they were soon split between classes. They were sad, but we're still glad that they could meet during recess.
Isabella soon came and they chatted while eating.
"Butch is such a jerk!" Isabella said, frowning when she heard Mia's story. "Can't he let you live in peace?"
Mia just shrugged.
"Bullies are bullies," Mia simply said with a shrug. "Anyway, what happened in your class?"
They exchanged stories and decided that they would visit the bathroom before going back to class.
The students always used a shortcut to go to the bathroom from the canteen. Not many people used it and that's why Mia and Isabella always used it.
"What do you think, butthead?!" They heard Butch shout. "You wanna be her Prince Charming?"
"Well, so what if I am?" Harley's softer voice said. "You'd never be."
"I don't even wanna be," Butch said in distaste. "Who likes her?"
"Well, I do!" Harley said, much to Mia's surprise. "I like her."
"Harley?" Mia said, shocked. "You... you like me?"
"Yes!" Harley said, much to everyone's surprise. "Would you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" Mia exclaimed, running and hugging him. "I like you too!"
Isabella smiled. She was glad that Harley liked her too. Mia always told her how she liked him.
Butch just stood there. He had no idea what just happened. He just shrugged and left.

Mia and Harley were always together. Butch watched them in disgust. In fact, everyone did. Even Isabella. She was starting to miss Mia. She kinda disliked Harley.
Butch had nothing to do but just glower at them. He badly wanted to make them stop their romancing.
He they not only did this in class, but also outside. They would sit in Harley's car for ages before leaving, creating a huge traffic jam in front of the school.
Butch hated this.

One day, Butch was going home in his Ford Mustang. He passed Harley's car and looked at it in disgust.
But to his surprise, he didn't see the usual. They were fighting. It looked like Harley was threatening Mia. Butch saw that Harley presses a cloth down Mia's nose and mouth. Immediately the girl fell limp.
Harley started driving away.
'Something's up,' Butch thought. 'I need to follow him...'
He drove behind Harley at a safe distance. He was driving surprisingly quick. Butch quickly called the police. He kept updating the operator about where they were heading.
At last, Harley stopped in front of a very big mansion. He got out and carried Mia in.
Butch got out too and hid behind the fence to see what he was doing.
He told the operator the location he was in. The operator agreed to quickly send the cops.
Butch hung up and called Isabella.
"What do you want?" Isabella asked. "Why are you calling me?"
"No time to explain, just call Mia's parents and ask them to come to 16/50 Riverside Road," Butch ordered. "To house number 7."
"Why?" Isabella asked.
"Harley kidnapped her and he's brought her here," Butch explained. "I called the cops. Just call her parents too."
And with that, he hung up. Isabella didn't know what to do and quickly called Mia's father with shaking hands.

Butch snuck into the mansion. He climbed the fence and saw that the front door was wide open. He went in. He saw a giant flight of stairs and climbed up.
There were lots of rooms. Butch debated on which room to enter first. But not for long. He saw that one of the rooms were open.m
He ran in and saw Harley putting Mia on the bed. He went to the bathroom.
Butch took this chance and ran into the room. He saw that there was a latch on the outside of the bathroom too. He quietly locked Harley inside it and carried Mia out of the house. Just as he was leaving, he saw the cops arrive.
He told them that the real culprit was inside. The officers nodded and went in to check.
They came out, dragging Harley by the collar.
"You..." Harley shouted, glaring at Butch. "You will pay for this!"
"You're going to prison," Butch simply said.
Mia's parents arrived too. They were happy to see Mia safe. They thanked Butch.

Mia's father carried Mia back to her room. He put her in bed and kissed her forehead before leaving. He quietly shut the door as he left.

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