Best friends in highschool

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The first year of high school was kinda stressful. I mean, it always is, right? We just got promoted from kiddies to teens without even knowing it. A fresh new start in a new school, with a different atmosphere.
Some of us are lucky. Our best friends come with us to the same high school that we go to. Some of us aren't and we have to find new friends. A true fresh start.
Well, I thought I was one of the lucky ones because my best friends, two of them, followed me to high school. I was really happy because I was even put in the same class as one of them. The other one wasn't so lucky, though.
We had our breaks together everyday in the canteen. We always chatted, just like how we did back in primary school. We were excited with our new school and were happy to have each other.
Until one day.
Remember when I mentioned that my other best friend wasn't so lucky and was thrown to a different class? Yeah, I'm sure you do.
One day, during break, that girl brought a new friend to eat with us during break. I was happy because I got to meet someone new. But that girl, she seemed... off? I don't know why, but I just didn't like her. I would catch her staring at me sometimes, and she just weirds me out.
Well, that was just the start. That girl began to replace me in my own friend group. Soon, I was slowly thrown out of my group. I soon realised that they were no longer my best friends.
I know what you're gonna say, just find new friends. Well, easier said than done. Despite my extroverted personality, I had no friends. It's weird, I know. It was the worst part of my high school life.
I decided to just eat alone instead because my 'friend group' is no where to be seen even though everybody has their recess in the canteen. Maybe they eat fast?
Well I have seen them once in a while, but they would totally ignore me. Did that girl do some kinda voodoo on my old friends? Well, I'd never know for sure.
So that's what went on for nearly a month. I would eat alone in the canteen. I would eat as fast as I can and go to the library instead. I was a regular in the library and I now knew almost all of the librarians, even the seniors.
Well, I didn't actually mind being alone. I was always reading a book. Whether it was a thrilling adventure or a funny fiction book, I loved reading.
I didn't really mind not having any friends, until I had to do a group project. Gosh, that would be sickening! Once, the teacher assigned us for groups, but I still didn't really know my classmates.
We had a short meeting when the teacher assigned us, and she made us continue with the group work the next day. But the thing is, I didn't really remember much of my group mates as it was a really short meeting, like I said.
My group mates denied me being in their group. The whole class did. I couldn't take it anymore. I just broke down in tears. Is this what high school is? It's nothing like what they portrayed in the movies!
But in the end, a group accepted me out of pity. I was thankful for them because they actually helped me this time. Even the teacher wasn't helping at this point...
Months passed, and I started getting a hang of things. Oh and by the way, I no longer have my recess alone at this point. A new girl in our school invited me to join her. I mean, her group.
It felt nice to eat with other people again, especially since I'm an extrovert. But I feel like I'm slowly turning into an introvert.
I hung out with that girl but she wasn't in my class. I met her during one of the club meetings actually. But at least she's my friend.
The year finished and now I was in my second year of high school. Man, that was quick. I definitely got the hang of things now. But I still lacked something: a best friend.
I did have a friend in this class though. She's a librarian. We hung out a little during free period and stuff and during recess in the library. She didn't mind talking to me, but I could see that she's just being friendly since she was like that with everyone. Well, at least she hangs out with me right?
The year went on and I was there, with my books again. I read like a hundred books by this point. Well, it felt good to finish books and start reading something new.
My classmates can't deny me being a member in their groups now because I definitely knew who they are.
I was now a senior. Well, not really, but I am a senior for the newcomers. I started having more friends too. One of them was even a senior. Well, she isn't that much older than me. She was only a year older.
She had lots of friends, and obviously she can't be my best friend because we don't even meet that often. Also she has of friends.
Well fast forward a few months and it was August. The month of independence, as we call it. This was my favourite month because of all the patriotic vibes going on, with lots of songs, singing, dancing and fun like that.
Well, that's not the only reason why I loved this month. This month is when my birthday is, at the end of the month. The last few days of it.
On the second week of this month, I was out of town for a few days. I didn't attend school for three days and only went to school on the Thursday of that week.
When I walked into class, everything was different. The seating positions had changed, even the layout. I had no idea where my place was. But I did kinda feel satisfied because I didn't like who my previous deskmate was. She clearly hated me.
When I asked around where my table was, they told me that I was to sit next to the quiet girl in class. I felt so grateful that she was my new deskmate because I had nothing against her and also she doesn't seem the type to be mean and stuff like that.
But my classmates told me something else too. They said that in the last three days, the discipline teacher was looking for me. But... I had done nothing wrong. I didn't even stick my nose into anyone's business. Why did she wanna see me?
The first period was ICT so I had to go to the computer lab. I was planning to go see the discipline teacher during recess so that I could clear my name and tell her that I had done nothing wrong.
But as it turns out, the next period was free because our history teacher wasn't here. I decided to go then and there, because I wanted to get it done with.
So that's what I did. I went to meet her and to my surprise, she was accusing me of being too noisy in class! Why? And mainly how?! I wasn't even talking to anyone, since I was always reading.
Turns out, none of my classmates wanted to sit with me because I was apparently too noisy. They just wanted a reason. But accusing me of something I didn't do was so low. The only ones that didn't mind was the librarian in my class, the class monitor and the quiet girl that I'm sitting next to now.
Well, luckily the discipline teacher believed me when I denied her accusation. Well, I was telling the truth and she knew it.
Glad that I got that over with, I went back to class and sat at my new place. It was definitely more peaceful here because this girl didn't mind me sitting here. My previous deskmate didn't even allow a pencil to cross the line between her table and mine.
The days went by and I began to grow closer to my deskmate. She was a nice girl, but she seemed kinda shy to talk to me. I made a plan with my librarian friend to make her laugh and befriend her. I knew I could do it, I have a fun personality.
And I did. We are best friends now. I was closer to her than I was with my old friends. Oh yeah, the librarian is my best friend too. She isn't even a librarian now because she quit.
During these two years, I learned that people change. Sometimes, best friends wouldn't even be our friends and people that we think that would never be our best friends may be the best-est friends that we could have.
This story is dedicated to my best friend.

Edit: I just remembered one more thing. Remember that librarian friend? Yeah, her favourite catchphrase is
'Peoples change.'
Well, I tried correcting her, and she did fix it, but it's still so much fun saying it in it's original glory lol.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!

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