I had decided to take a walk up to the Quidditch pitch and to my surprise there was a training going on already. It looked like it must've been Gryffindor as Harry Potter flew around the edges yelling directions at his team.

I didn't know what Hogwarts' rules were on other houses watching practice but I decided to risk it. I had nothing better to do and I didn't mind Quidditch at all. It was easy enough to sneak in, no teachers were around and the pitch was so large I knew it would be hard to spot one person in the stands especially while they were distracted.

Ginny was on the team and she seemed ok but I was reluctant to give her any praise at all after the way she'd dragged my cousin off on me. They weren't lying though when they said that Harry was great. He was darting around, correcting positions and calling plays, giving out when the beaters had nearly decapitated Katie Bell.

It seemed I had caught the end of the training though as they all soon began to come down to the ground. I quickly snuck out of the stands and started making my way back up to the castle, figuring Ryan would be out of class by now. As I was half way to the castle I heard someone call my name. Turning around I came face to face with none other than Harry Potter.

"Fiadh, hey," his smile was wide and he was sweating a bit after practice but he was back in his normal robes.

"Harry... Hey" I replied, unsure as to why he'd decided to talk to me all of a sudden.

"I saw you watching our training-"

I cut him off quickly, embarrassed I'd been seen, "I promise Harry, I wasn't spying, I know, like, nothing about Quidditch so I would be a completely awful spy and-" I stopped. Harry was laughing.

"I...What's so funny?" I was sure my whole face was bright red.

Harry gathered himself and pushed his unruly hair out of his face.

"I know you weren't spying and if you were, I honestly don't think it would make much difference, the Slytherin team is awful this year," he winked, "But I just wanted to catch up with you and say that..." he trailed off.

"Say what?" I asked nervously. That he thought it was weird how I'd been so friendly on the train with them and then ended up in Slytherin? Or that I should never go watch them train again and didn't I have any Slytherin friends to hang out with.

"I just wanted to know... If you'd like to go to the Halloween Ball with me?"

What in Merlin's name was going on? Harry Potter, the most Gryffindor Gryffindor that had ever been wanted to go to the Halloween Ball with...me? I must've looked horrified because Harry began talking again.

"I shouldn't have asked, you probably think I'm a dickhead for not talking to you since the train but-" 

It was my turn to laugh this time. I had to admit his rambling was rather cute.

"Stop it Harry, of course I'll go with you."

Harry looked extremely relieved, "Oh, great, perfect, so I'll meet you outside the Slytherin dorms then?" 

"Sounds good to me. Are you walking up to the castle?" 

"I said I'd wait but- forget it, yeah I'll walk up with you."

The whole way up Harry and I laughed and messed around until we came to the Great Hall.

"Well, I should probably go back to the dorms," I sighed, sad that our conversation was coming to a close.

"Yeah, me too, so I'll see you next Saturday?" He asked.

"Sooner I hope," I winked and walked away before he could reply.

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