chapter 6

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I have been waiting for Professor Suraj outside his office for the last half an hour.  I come here every day for the last 3 days.  Just in the hope that one day the professor will notice me and call me to his cabin.  He looks at me but ignores me.  I try to talk to him but he ignores me as if I don't exist.

Maybe yes.

I do not exist for Professor Suraj.

Frankly, I do not mind this behavior of the professor at all now.

After all, how can a disciple feel bad about something about his teacher.  I want to get knowledge from him.

Chanakya had said that unless the bucket hiccups in the water, it does not fill with water.  In the same way, if I stop bowing in front of the professor, I will not get any knowledge.

That is why I must continue my efforts.

That's when I saw the professor coming from the front.  He was coming towards the office.  I stood up after seeing him.

He came and looked at me for 2 seconds.  After that, he took out the key from his pocket and started unlocking the door.

I knew that he would remain silent even today and would not say anything.  But still, I was waiting.

"By coming here everyday like this, I will not make you my disciple. So it is better that you stop coming here and concentrate on your studies."  He said without looking at me.

I could not give him any answer and he hit the door on my face.

I kept thinking.

I should have reacted a little quicker.

I had a long time in my classes but what would I do.  I sat in my class 2 hours before my class.  I started revising my old notes when my phone rang.

Aarti was calling me.  I picked up the phone.

"Hello Aarti."
"Shivani. Did you take Tiffin with you? I am sorry, I had to come to the office for some more urgent work, so I had to leave early in the morning."

This girl is worried about the whole world. She just doesn't worry about herself.

"Don't you worry. I ate noodles. There was no need for tiffin. I'll take lunch out somewhere."

"Okay. I will be late to come home in the evening. Please soak rice and urad dal if you arrive before me. Tomorrow morning, I will make dosa for both of us."  He said excitedly.

I started laughing.


"Bye" she said

I hung up the phone.

Now half an hour was left for the class to start.  Then my phone rang again.  I thought Aarti had called but it was an unknown number.

I picked up the phone.

"Hello" I said.

"Hello. Am I talking to Dr. Shivani?" the man said.

"Yes. Who is this?"  I asked

"Madam. I am a property broker. You spoke to Kamal in Delhi. That you have a property that you want to sell." He said.

"Yes, but I have not talked to you. so why are you calling me?"  I asked

"Madam. It happens. We all property brokers keep in touch with each other and also tell each other about our customers so that if there is an eligible buyer or seller, there is a comfortable deal."

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