chapter 11.2

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The reason why am I updating early is your comments on previous chapter.🙂

Please keep on showing that kind of excitement to motivate me to write even more.

Please don't forget to comment. ❤️❤️❤️

Shivani ran to welcome Vishwajeet.

Arjun was walking behind her.

"Hey Vishu." She hugged him with the brightest smile.

Even Vishwajeet hugged her back happily.

" How have you been? I hope you’re doing well in Mumbai. " He asked while breaking the hug.

That’s the only thing fine to Arjun.

Arjun was listening to their candid conversation.

"I have been extremely fine." She answers him.

"I can see that." Vishwajeet says looking Shivani properly.

Finally, she paid attention to Arjun, who was standing there.

"Oh! He is Arjun. The one I told you about on phone." She introduced Arjun to Vishwajeet.

"Oh yeah. Even Arihant informed me about you too." Vishwajeet give him his hand to shake.

Arjun gives him a hard smile.

" Finally we met. I heard a lot about you." Arjun takes his hand.

"From Shivani or Arihant?" Arjun asked.

"Neither. From media." Arjun shrugged his shoulders.

" Media is so well equipped these days to turn fake into real." Vishwajeet scoffed.

"That’s why I was eager to meet you. I wanted to see how differently real are you than your fake image."  Arjun answers.

Shivani notices that they both have started talking on the door itself.

"Are you guys going to talk here only all day long? We should get in now." She suggests them to come in.

Vishwajeet was still having his hand around her shoulder.

Which was definitely not liked by Arjun.

Arjun couldn’t get away with the fact that how happy and frank she is with Vishwajeet.

Her smile is different when she is with him.

Is that how she smiles with the people who are dear to her?

" You guys can talk now. I’m going to take a nap." She says yawning.

"Will you not listen to this discussion? This is most important for you." Arjun questions because this discussion is going to effect her the most.

It is becoming more unbearable him to absorb that she trusts Vishwajeet so much.

"Why do I need to listen to all this shit when Vishu is here?" She answers as if it’s no big deal.

Her trust for Vishwajeet is pissing Arjun off a lot.

"Is he that much trustworthy to you?" Arjun asked, having a hard expression on his face not bothering about Vishwajeet, who was also listening him.

This question made Vishwajeet a bit suspicious of Arjun’s feelings to Shivani.

"You may not know, but she will trust me even on her death bed." Vishwajeet smirked.

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