chapter 1

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My hands are shaking.

My palms are sweating.

Every second feels like years.

Why is it taking so long?

Can't they upload result early in the morning?

I have been in this condition since Vishu you told me that today the result is going to come out.

I have checked the telegram group thousands of times.

I have refreshed the official website uncountable times.

But still...... Result has still not been updated.

This was my second attempt in NEET PG.

Last year, I got selected but I didn't get a rank good enough to take gynaecology as my specialisation.

I had prepared very hard this time.

I am expecting me to be somewhere between 50-100.

"Oh God! Please let me sail through this exam this time. Please please please please!" I prayed joining both of my hands and closing my eyes very tight.

"What the hell!" I heard Vishu saying and coming into my room.

"What happened?" I asked him while panicking.

"What happened! You are asking me what happened? Haven't you seen your result?" He said a bit annoyingly.

"No, how can I? It has not been uploaded yet." I told him honestly.

"Madam, how long it has been since you last refreshed the official result page?" He asked me giving a fake smile.

"Around 15 minutes ago" I said looking up.

"It has been 15 minutes, idiot! And you are saying that you have not seen the result yet."
He said.

My eyes got widened.

Now, I know the result has come out.

Oh my God!

Please save me this time.

"Have you seen my result?" I asked Vishu in low voice expecting him to give me the good news.

"What do you expect seeing me baffling here? Of course I have." He said.

"How is it?" I asked him.

" Why don't you see yourself?" He said looking away.

"Why don't you tell me? Can't you see the way I am shivering right now? And you are scaring me even more. You know how am I when it comes to results and all. Still, you are pulling my leg." I said pouting.

"That is laptop." He said pointing towards the laptop kept on my bed." These are your fingers" he said taking my fingers into his. "Fortunately, you know how to operate it. So go and check yourself." He said while pushing me towards the bed.

I don't understand why is he doing this to me.

Does he like torturing me?

He never let me feel the lack of Shiva.

If he would have been here then they both would have annoyed me  like hell.

I slowly took laptop in my lap. I was silently praying to the God. But what  scaring me the most was not the result. Vishu's expressions while coming into the room was scaring me more.

I refreshed the page.

Result had been uploaded. I downloaded the PDF.

I opened the PDF and searched my name.

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