Practice Match Pt.1

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The girls left the store after paying and continued to walk home.

"This means that you can get a boyfriend." Y/N said while exiting the shop.

"Nah I don't think so." Kiyoko said, "I'm too shy for that."

"You just have to get out of your comfort zone for a bit, I mean you already have to ability to pull men left and right."  Y/N said trying to boost her friend's confidence, "why not use that to get some one."

"I surpised you can think about my love life before yours." Kiyoko said smiling, "thanks for caring though, no one has cared this much."

"It's all in the job Kiyoko san."  Y/N said, "but being your best friend means caring more than usual."

"What about you Y/N chan, don't you get lonely just being friends with me and the guys."  Kiyoko asked.

"No I don't cause you guys care about me too, as long as you guys are there.  I will never be lonely because of the happy moments you guys give to me."  Y/N said. "  The other way around works as well, right?  Alright well bye Kiyoko san"

"Bye Y/N chan get home safely," Kiyoko said as she saw Y/N get on the train.

Y/N sat down on the train and thought to herself, "Wow, maybe I am lonely, I need a boyfriend or something."

Y/N headed home after her stop and walked in her apartment.  She set down her stuff and made instant ramen, because she didn't feel like cooking.  Y/N ate while doing her homework, after a while she was doing and went to go take a shower.  Y/N came out the shower wearing grey sweats and a pastel pink hoodie with a sports bra under, she then went to prepare her outfit to pack (picture will be shown later, if you don't like it imagine another outfit).  She packed it in a small backpack and went to sleep, after her skin care routine of course.  Tomorrow was the day she would finally get a break.

*Time Skip to Tomorrow, The Nekoma Practice Match*

Y/N woke up at 3 a.m to get ready for the practice match.  Since the bus left at 4:30, she had a moderate amount of time.  Y/N finished all of her morning jobs, so she changed into jeans, a white over sized t-shirt tucked in a bit, and her Karasuno jacket.  Y/N grabbed her F/C mini backpack and checked all of her materials.

"Phone check, earbuds check, extra clothing check, my A/C wallet and money check, and hand sanitizer check, okay got it."  Y/N whispered before locking the room and leaving.

Y/N left her house and boarded a train.  She arrived to school a bit earlier than others, but all the third years and Tanaka and Nishinoya were there.  

"Hey Y/N chan," the third years said tiredly.

On the other hand, Tanaka and Nishinoya were screaming,"Hey, Y/N senpai!"

"Wait, shh Tanaka san Nishinoya san, people are still sleeping." Y/N said whisper yelling.

"Sorry Y/N senpai, sorry."  Tanaka and Nishinoya whispered at the same time while bowing down multiple times.

"Guys Y/N chan is right, you guys should be a bit more considerate."  Daichi said.

"Hey hey it's okay Daichi san, I think they got the message." Y/N said calmly.

"So when is the bus coming?" Asahi asked.

"It's coming in around 4:30," Sugawara replied, "why do you ask?"

"Asahi san and I want to grab something at the convenience store near here." Nishinoya said quietly.

"I guess you guys have some time,"  Kiyoko whispered, "you have around 30 more minutes or so."

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