Bullfights and Volcanoes

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The Latin nations were outside on Spain's massive backyard while Arthur took Alfred out to see the city and finally buy him that souvenir cup he kept going on about. The colonies had easels set up that held large pieces of paper as they drew away and Antonio was laying underneath a tree taking a nap. Antonio was wearing his pirate captain uniform since he just came back from a meeting with other captains. He didn't bother taking off the large red coat and he used the feathered pirate hat to cover a tiny bit of his face, casting dark and mysterious shadows, his sword and guns lay next to him.

Feliciano was drawing Spain beautifully. He captured every line and shadow the man had. Every detail of his uniform and the background was displayed on the Italian's paper. His paper looked too realistic to be true, but in black, white, and gray. Esmeralda was drawing something abstract with complicated lines and bright colors. Her paper had a tribal feel to it that made you feel alive. It was clever and bold. Lovino...well...nobody knew what Lovino was drawing because he sucks. He stared down the paper while shooting daggers at it as he attempted to draw.

Esmeralda sneaked a glance over at his paper. "Lovi. What are you drawing?", she asked slowly as she raised an eyebrow and made a cautious face as if she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Lovino threw his pencil up. "It's a volcano erupting! Isn't it obvious! I saw a painting of one the other day while I was in town", he was blowing steam as he was angered by his poor artist skills. Esmeralda and Feliciano started laughing,"A volcano? Lovi, that looks like a tree!". The two laughed and Feliciano agreed with New Spain about Lovino's picture looking like a tree, not bothering to encourage him to keep trying and maybe he'd get better. No, they already gave up on the chance that Romano might be a good artist somewhere deep down. Romano's face turned red with anger and embarrassment. He was about to snap on the two when Spain decided to wake up.

"Oh look, drawings! How nice Feliciano and Esmeralda", he complimented the two and went over to see what Lovino was looking at. "Wow uh..what a nice...", he tried looking at the drawing in different angles, trying to decide what it was. "What a nice tree Lovino!", he said uneasily. This caused Italy and New Spain to roar out in laughter. Lovino blew a fuse and stormed inside screaming, "It's a fucking volcano!". Spain merely shrugged, "Oops. Come one kiddos, let's go inside". He led the two teenagers back inside and Feliciano ran into the kitchen, having a new recipe to try out. Esmeralda sat on the couch and sighed. Antonio came and sat next to her, "What's wrong princesa?". He took off his pirate hat and placed it on Esmeralda's head, he leaned back and admired his work thinking she looked absolutely adorable. She smiled when she felt the hat, "Nothing. I just wish there was something to do". Spain thought for a while and then lit up instantly. "Oh I know! Today's Sunday! Let me take you to go see a bullfight", he asked her excitedly. He was excited because bullfights were a great passion in the country, and also because he got to spend some alone time with his precious colony. Esmeralda thought for while. She's never been to a bullfight before, but she's obviously heard of them. Suddenly, she herself got excited. "Sure", she said, looking forward to it.

Antonio, being Spain, was able to get them the best seats. They had front row seats and the only thing that stopped them from getting into the event was a stone wall. "You'll love it, I swear", said Spain. He had changed out of his captain's uniform and was currently buying churros from a vendor that was walking up and down the rows. "Lovino's only been to one. He didn't really enjoy it", Spain said as he handed Esmeralda a churro. "I hope you enjoy it", he looked down at her praying that at least she would enjoy one thing out of his culture. She nodded and bit into the churro.

The bullfight began with the matador coming out holding a bright red cape. A door rattled on the other side of the arena. Esmeralda slowly leaned forward as the bull was released. She found herself cheering with the rest of the crowed as he charged towards the matador. The matador swiftly moved his cape right when the bull was about to hit him and the crowed yelled 'Ole'. Esmeralda stared in awe. During the event, Esmeralda leaned over the wall, clapping and yelling at the matador and bull to do something when they just stood there at moments. She even cheered 'Ole', jumping up and down as she did. The whole time, Spain beaming down at her, watching her more then he watched the bullfight.

After it was over, the arena cleared out. "I'm glad you liked it princesa. I told you you would!", Spain ruffled her hair. The two lingered in the arena. "It was great! I loved it! Can we go see more? Please?", Esmeralda pleaded. Spain smiled ear to ear. "Well if you like, we could go to a bullfight every Sunday. What do you say? Just you and me", he looked down at her with adoration in his eye. "That would be great, thank you so much Antonio!", she hugged him tightly. Spain hugged her back and thought to himself, 'Oh wow. She hugged me and called me by my human name...'. He smiled warmly and kissed the top of her head. "Come on, let's go home", she nodded and they left the arena.

Once at home, Arthur and Alfred had already returned. "Ah Arthur, did you and your colony enjoy my beautiful city?", Antonio said proudly to England. "Now now, let's not get a big head here Antonio", England sneered. Antonio smirked, "Whatever". England cleared his throat and held up three envelopes. "We got mail. These two are for you, and this one, is for me". He handed Spain two envelopes and opened the one that was addressed to him. "Oh lord. That time again", England scoffed, but you could see him actually light up. It was that time of year again where England got to show off how classy he was. "What? Is it time for France's holiday ball again?", Spain asked as he searched for who sent him the letters. One from Austria, and another from France. He opened the one from France, taking out a fancy invitation. "Oh! Yes it is!", he cheered as he read the invite. "That frog always has balls to show us he's better...and he wonders why he's always bankrupt", England said crossly, even though he enjoyed them. The colonies sat there and watched the adults read on. They knew about the ball, but had never had the chance to go since Francis only invited countries. "Oh wait wait wait. Spain, come here. Do you see this?", England's voice sounded interested as he pointed to a sentence and Spain looked where his finger was. "Oh! Is that so. I like it", he nodded approvingly. "Yes, it's absolutely splendid", England agreed. "What's it say?", Alfred asked when the countries looked over at the colonies. "It says that the colonies are invited as well", England informed them. "Sweet", America smiled. Feliciano squealed, Lovino had on a poker face and didn't move a muscle, Esmeralda stood there with her eyes wide. She's never been to a ball before. Actually, she hasn't even dreamed of going to one, they didn't seem so important to her, but they did sound like fun. Now, she's actually going to one and she realizes that she can't wait for the experience.

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