Unlikely Friendship

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Esmeralda looked down at the outfit Spain gave her. A bright green halter dress that stopeed an inch above the knee with little black soft shoes. The top was tight and firm while the bottom sort of flowed out. At least she could move around freely and it wasn't anything big and ridiculous like the dresses the women around here wear. It also complimented her developing figure very well.She had started developing over seas on her long trip to Spain. Slight curves were forming, her breasts were already growing and her back side popped out a little. One of the servant ladies told her that a nice bottom was a very good feature and important in a girls life. Antonio gave her a golden necklace with a medium sized cross hanging down from it. She wasn't sure what that was about but had seen it multiple times on some of the Spaniards. Antonio looked at her in awe. "Oh my princesa, you look absolutely amazing! I just can't take it! Tan bonita, so pretty! Adorable!", he pulled her in a tight hug. She stood there with her arms clamped to her sides from the tightness of the hug as Spain loudly freaked out about how cute she looked. He finally let go and stood up. "Now, I have to go out for some business. Be good okay, Lovino and the servants are here if you need anything. I'll be back tonight princesa, bye then". He gave the top of her head a kiss, gave her one last look, than ran out so he wouldn't be late. New Spain looked out her window as she observed Antonio getting into a carriage and riding off into the street. She waited a couple minutes before she was sure Spain was long gone before running out her room and sprinting down the stairs. She was about to dash through the grand front doors when a strong pair of arms caught her around the waist from behind. "And where exactly do you think your going?", she practically here the smirk and the accent gave him away. She straightened her self up but didn't brush away the olive toned arms that were wrapped around her securely. "I'm going out Lovino. Don't worry about it, I'll be back", Romano rested his chin on her shoulder. "I don't think so. My ass is on the line to make sure you don't try to escape. I can let you outside, but I have to be with you at all times", Romano had to bend over a bit in his position since he was tall and she was short and only up to his chin, but he was still able to press their bodies together. "Is that so Lovi? Is that just some excuse to hang out with me, or did Spain tell you to?", Esmeralda leaned her back into him and looked up to her left so she could see him. He pretended to be thinking over the question "Hmm...both. He told me to look after you and I figured, hey, why not?". Esmeralda raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Well okay. So are you going to let me out now?", Lovino thought it over. "Of course, but you better make it worth it because I had to wake up pretty damn early for this", New Spain let out a laugh. "Of course I will. I see youv'e decided to be your self. Keep it up Lovi", Romano stuck his tongue at her and she returned the gesture. The two walked out into the warm sun letting the fresh air fill their lungs. "Nice dress. Green's a really nice color on you", Lovino noticed the way the green accented her sun kissed skin making it shine like silk. Esmeralda smoothed it out, "Yeah I guess. Whats with this cross? I see it a lot here", She grabbed the cross around her neck and showed it to him. "Oh that? It's just a symbol of their religion here. He'll try to convert you, seeing as he wants you to be a mini version of him or some shit. He taught me about it when I first got here, but I wasn't really paying attention", they walked along the side of the house. Esmeralda was about to change their paths into the street but Lovino pulled her in a different direction towards the garden out back. "Oh. Does he worship Gods?", Esmeralda looked down at the cross. Romano shook his head, "God. Just one. Wait. You said 'Gods'. Do you worship more then one?". Esmeralda shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, we have plenty of Gods in my religion. What about it?". The young boy looked at her, "No it's nothing. It's just that, me too. We worship a lot of Gods back at my place". Esmeralda nodded, "Yeah? Well will you look at that. We have something in common!". She gave him a playful push almost sending him off balance. The two laughed as they walked around the garden, headed towards the lake. "It's not the only thing we have in common bella", Lovino looked down at her and took her hand in his as they walked. Esmeralda decided to swing their arms back and forth, "Oh yeah? And what would the other thing be?". Romano decided to go along with the arm swinging, "That we both hate Spain". The two laughed at his comment. "I knew you hated him Lovi. I could just tell rite away", they finally reached the lake and stood at the edge looking at their reflections in the crystal blue water. "Of course I hate him. He's an idiot and a bastard. But you learn to live with it. Why do you hate him Esme?", he could feel her tense up as he was still holding her hand. She looked at the ground, "Oh um, you know...reasons I guess". Lovino could tell he hit a touchy subject. 'Damn Spain, what did you do over there?' Lovino saved the subject for later. Much later. She would tell him when she was ready and he could respect that. He gave her hand a small squeeze before letting go and sat on the ground, still wet from last nights rain. She was about to join him when she looked down at her dress. It was so pretty and she wasn't sure the material could handle the water like the stuff she wore back home. Usually, having a wet butt would be the last thing on her mind and she wouldn't let that hold her back, but since there was nothing for her to do, she didn't feel like dealing with it. Lovino observed her and rolled his eyes before pulling her on his lap with a dramatic sigh. "Don't want to get your dress wet do you?", Esmeralda let her self get comfortable before answering. He sat with his legs straight out and opened with his arms supporting the two of them out to his sides as she sat on his thigh, leaning against his body with her legs stretched out as well. "No it's not that. I just don't feel like walking around with a wet butt", the dress was the only thing she had at the moment. Spain was going to get her a full wardrobe after his meeting. Romano nodded, then a smirk played on his face. "I still have to get you back for throwing pasta at me", New Spain smiled reflecting on last nights events. "And how do you plan on doing that?", she asked him while running her hand gently over the top of the green grass. "I don't know yet, but I'm gunna get you real good", he looked around and his eyes landed on the lake in front of them. "Oh sure Lovi. I'm sure it's gunna be gooo- WHOA!", she was suddenly picked up and thrown into the lake. Lovino laughed so hard his sides were hurting. New Spain reached the surface pushing her hair out of her face, also laughing. "Lovi! I can't believe you just did that!", Romano tried to stop laughing so he could speak but it seemed impossible. "Oh yeah? And what are you gunna do about it?", he stuck his tongue out. "THIS!", unexpectedly, Esmeralda grabbed his hand and pulled him in the water with her. "Oh my God! You just went there!", the two were barely able to breathe from their laughter. "Hell yeah I did!", Esmeralda splashed some water at his face, starting a water fight. Their laughs could be heard in the air as they continued to splash each other. It was the first time in years that they enjoyed themselves so greatly. "Dammit Lovino. What am I gunna wear now until Antonio gets home", Romano had a toothy grin that added a glow to him and she couldn't help but notice it. "Don't worry, I have clothes you can borrow. That is, if you don't mind wearing boy clothes", he joked, knowing she didn't care. "Ew boy clothes! Are you fucking kidding me Lovi!" she said it in a sarcastic playful tone. Lovino let out a quick laugh, "What's Spain going to say when he comes home to his perfect colony wearing such a thing?". Esmeralda rolled her eyes, "Pshh, who gives a shit. I know I don't". Romano shook his head while laughing. "Of course you don't. Now lets get out of here and back in the house". They walked back into the house soaking wet. Romano led her up to his room where he gave her dry clothes and a belt. A black button up shirt with light brown knickers. She went back into her room and changed into Romanos clothes. Their touch was warm and cozy. They were one size to big, but she felt extremely comfortable. She guessed the belt was for the pants but she wasn't sure so she went over to Lovino for help. Romano was already dresses when she knocked on his door. A white dress shirt with black pants. He couldn't help but smile as he saw her standing there in his clothes that were baggy on her but she pulled it off. "Can I help you?", she simply threw the belt at him. "Ah the belt. You've never had to wear pants I'm guessing. Alright come here", he hooked both index fingers on the two belt loops on the side of her pants and pulled her to where he was sitting. She stood in front of him watching closely as he sat on the edge of his bed and put the belt on for her. He tried not to be awkward while getting the back part of it since his face was rite in front of a certain area. She giggled as she noticed his struggle and turned around to help him out. Once the belt was on tight, he laid back on his bed pulling her with him. She rubbed her face in a pillow taking in the scent. It smelled just like him. She was surrounded by his scent, everywhere. It was all around her and for some reason she could not explain, it felt like it was welcoming her with open arms and she felt safe and secure. She noticed a painting on the wall. A frowning Lovino and a smiling smaller version of him but whiter and his hair was lighter and redder. He also had a curl but it was on the opposite side and curled downward instead if upwards like Romano's. She remembered hearing about Romano having a brother and she wondered if he was it. "Lovi, whos that in the painting with you? Is that your brother?", she couldn't help but ask. He sighed deeply. "Yeah that's him. North Italy aka Veniciano. Or just Italy. Our full names are North Italy Veniciano and South Italy Romano. His human name is Feliciano. People just call him Italy since he's better than me and they just call me Romano. I'm just random territory to the south, even though I'm older. He's got art skills, he's social, everyone loves him. He's grandpa Rome's favorite. Why can't I be more like him...", he looked down sadly. Esmeralda made him look up at her by putting her finger under his chin and slightly pushed his head upward. "Hey, stop worrying about being like your younger brother. Your perfect the way you are. I know I've only known you since yesterday, but I'm serious Lovi", Romano looked into her kind eyes and fought back tears. "You really think so Esme?", she nodded and gave him a hug which he returned. "Thanks Esmeralda. You know, for a girl, your pretty cool", she laughed at his statement. "Of course I am. And 'for a girl', whats that supposed to mean?", Lovino smiled as his mood lightened up. "Nothing. Nothing at all", he playfully nudged her. "You know, your not so bad your self Lovino", she put her face back in the pillows and he watched his new friend, happy about the curious girl he befriended. He hasn't figured her out yet, but he liked all the surprises. When he thinks he's nailed her, she does something that throws him off. It was different, and he liked that. Esmeralda liked how open the boy was with her. She felt she could trust him and never get bored. She knew she would have fun teasing him and messing with him, wanting to see all his little angry reactions. All though they didn't know it at the moment, the two were headed for a very interesting friendship that would drive them up the wall with how insane they think the other is.

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