
2.7K 51 45

Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Do you remember the day we met?

My father had left me and my mother. I was completely lost. On top of that, the stress of starting a new school. I was so scared nobody would talk to me. I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry.

And then I met you.

A beam of light in a dimension of darkness.

You sat down next to me, tilted your head, and blinked at me with those adorable, gorgeous butterscotch eyes. With the most breathtaking, genuine smile, you told me your name.

After that day, you were my one and only reason to live. My purpose.

Every single day, I fell just a little bit further. The way you always put others before you, how kind and lively you were. I didn't think it was possible not to fall in love with you.

And then... You told me that you loved me too.

I remember seeing you getting down on one knee, saying those three words I always wanted you to say, asking that question I always wanted to hear you ask.

One year later, I watched you walk down the aisle towards me, wearing that beautiful white tux. Tears prickled down my cheeks, as you said "I do".

The way you held my child, our child, ever so gently. You cradled her in your arms, whispering the lyrics to our favourite song. "Perfect Two". She fell asleep on you, cuddled into your chest, the same way I was every night as we fell asleep under the stars, the same stars you said reminded you of my eyes.

We had started a family, and would raise our daughter, named after my sister, to be an independent, joyful girl. We knew she would go far in the future.

And then one day, she brought home a boy. A boy who'd protect her the rest of her life, because three years later, we were walking her down the aisle.

Now, we're sitting down underneath our tree, playing with the grandchildren our daughter has brought us.

I look over at you, watching you play with the kids, I smile.

It's you, Luke. It's always you.

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