Chapter 8//Letters

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After Felix left, I pulled up my sleeves and stared at my freshly cut arms. They hurt like hell but I love the pain. I took deep breaths and got up. I looked in the mirror. I look horrid. I tried to fix my hair but it just stayed in one spot. I tried smile but I just couldn't. I grabbed my pipe and lighter and started to smoke. Once I was finished, I was smiling like a fool. I loved being high. I put my earbuds in and layed back down with the volume all the way up. Next thing I knew, it was midnight and my mom was knocking on my door.

J: Come in, mom!

Mom: Seà are you?

She smelled the room and sighed then sat onthe edge of my bed.

J: I'm okay...

Mom: Seàn, I know you're not okay.

J: you're right. I'm...broken.

Mom: You're not broken. You're just cracked. And even that can be fixed.

J: Ma, you're wrong this time

Mom: Maybe I am...what are you gonna do about it?

J: I don't know what to do, ma...

Mom: You're going to fight.

J: I can't...

Mom: You can.

J: Ma, I-

Mom: Seàn, You can! I know you can Bec you fought when your father left. You faught when we moved here. You faught when I was in no shape to have a 5 year old son!

J: I love you, ma...

She pulled me into a hug and I squinted at the pain in my arms but I didn't care. This was my last hug from my mother.

J: I love you so'll never understand...

Mom: Get some sleep, please? I love you too...

She went off to bed and I layed down, no music this time. I thought for a few minutes to got uo and sat at my desk. I pulled out a notebook and tore out a page. After I wrote, I folded it in half and wrote "Mom". I repeated the steps but wrote "Felix" instead. Then "Ken", "Cry", "Tyler" "Momiplier", and "Jake". I put a paper ontop of them that said "Don't read until I'm burried"

I set them all in a neat stack on the edge of my bed and then sat in the floor.

I am ready...

I'll see you soon, Mark...


Jack killed himself that night. He slit his wrists in his bedroom floor. His funeral was terribly sad.  We all received our note, his final goodbye. His mother handed me mine and I walked away from the group and stood under a Willow tree as I unfolded it.

"Dear, Felix...You were always there for me. You were the only one who know I cut and you were the first to know my sexuality. You were the first to know most things about me. Like my real name and the story about my father. The other day when I kicked you out...I was just upset. I know that is no excuse but...I am sorry. And I'm sorry for leaving you now...But I can't stay on this Earth any longer. Mark was my forever...I loved him for so long and now he's just...gone. So am I but I hope you can push past this. I hope you grow old and find the perfect girl. Maybe Martzia. I know you always liked her. I hope you never forget me. By the way...I want you to make peace with the Logang and Team 10. No more fights. For me? 

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I read the letter. I fell to my knees and held the paper close to my chest. I looked up to the sky and let out loud sobs.

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