chapter 1//school

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I sit up in my bed and turn off my loud ass alarm then open up Snapchat to see who texted me. Groupchat: Bitches

Markimoo: Guys!!!

FeFe: What?

Jackaboy: What?

Markimoo: I've got a new pack, wanna smoke before school?

Jackaboy: Hell yes!

FeFe: Where and when?

Markimoo: Behind the tech building at 7:30

Jackaboy: I'll be there

FeFe: See ya then

Markimoo: Alright, bye!


I get all my clothes and put them on then look at myself in the mirror. My outfit:

I grab my bag and start going down stairs

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I grab my bag and start going down stairs. My mom hands me a plate and I sit down at the counter across from where she is standing.

"You're up early...seeing your friends before school?"

J: Yeah...Mark's got some smokes so..

"Well, I hope you boys have fun"

She kisses me on the side of the head and smiles.

"I've got work and I'll be home late tonight. Don't wait up."

J: Can I hang out with the boys?

"Sure! Love you, Seàn"

J: Love you, ma

She leaves and I set my plate on the ground and call Molly. Molly is my dog. She's a cutie. She came and started to eat the biscuits and gravy as I pet her.

J: Good girl...yes good Molly

I looked at the time. 7:20. I hurried out the door and started making my way to the school. I was almost there when a girl came running over to me. She's in my science class. I think her name is Signe.

S: Hey, Jack!

She started to walk next to me.

J: Hello...Signe?

S: Yeah you got it right

We both laughed a little and we just made small talk about school and life.

S: Well...I'll see you at lunch?

We stopped by the front doors and i nodded.

See you again//Septiplier Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt