chapter 1: new beginnings

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Third person POV:

There they excessively tall chef and a greedy host of an up-and-coming reality tv show.

There was an odd feeling of comfort shared between the two which caused them to stare at each other for longer than they should have

Chris POV:

'Wow...why is he so fuckin tall?...', I thought as I tilted my head up until it couldn't move anymore. 'He's buff, too...shit'. I was so baffled by the large frame of the strange chef I hired that I didn't notice him talking. "......Hello?....Did you hear me?" said this mysterious chef in front of me.

Chef POV:

'This host guy is just staring at me now...I guess I should just introduce myself?', I thought as I reached out my hand for a handshake. ".....", still nothing, huh? He's not reacting to me at all. Am I scaring him or something? "Hello...My official title is Chef Hatchet, but you can just call me Chef. ", I tried to say with a small smile. He's still not reacting....

"......Hello?....Did you hear me?", I said to who I assumed to be Chris.

Third Person POV:

There was a heavy cloud of awkwardness in the air.

Chris just couldn't get over how fuckin built this chef was. Chris finally understood what was going on when Chef uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck. Chris tried to mend the situation by saying,"Haha...I'm sorry about that. I.... space out a lot?", Chef wasn't buying it. Chris didn't seem like the kind of guy to space out randomly, but he let it go as to not make the situation worse.

Chef let him continue. "I'm Chris McLean the host of this reality tv show. I'm the one who contacted you about the offer. I'm glad you could show up!", said Chris. He gave Chef a smile that could only be described as a tv host smile. A smile that sent the feeling of true happiness and entertainment. 'What a load of crap' Chef thought, but he knew it was a part of the role Chris had to fulfill. Chef countered Chris's introduction with his own. "My official title is Chef Hatchet, but you can just call me Chef. Thank you for contacting me", said Chef as he extended his hand.

Chris took it and they shared a firm handshake. They both felt a little more comfortable now.

One of the managers on set walked up to the two of them. "Chris, I need to talk to you about the cast of teens that have been selected". The manager looked Chef up and down and said, "you can leave. You don't need to hear about the official matters since your just the chef". Chris, with a random sense of empathy, said, "Actually I was thinking he could accompany me as a co-host and chef. Y'know like he stands with me, but I announce the challenges and winners". The manager with a grimace, said,"You really want HIM to be your co-host....the chef?..." Chef was standing awkwardly in the middle of their bickering, especially since the bickering was ABOUT him. "Chris, thanks for the suggestion, but I don't want to take up a hosting job if you don't want me to. Being a chef really is enough."

Now Chris was getting pissed off.

Not only did his random burst of empathy make him feel like a teenager with mood swings, but there was this massive rando manager trying to tell him what to do. Trying to tell THE Chris Mclean, HOST AND STAR OF A REALITY TV SHOW, how to run HIS million-dollar idea tv show.

'Fuck this manager. Fuck this set. FUCK EVERYONE HERE!,' thought Chris(except Chef because Chris was strangely attached and caring to him but that didn't need to be dissected right now).

After a flustering few seconds of Chris trying not to fume from his ears like in cartoons, he snapped instantly into his tv host smile and clapped his hands together and said, "Okay! Can you rallying up the troops and bring them here? I think it's time to have a meeting so we can finally get this show moving!" The manager was quite creeped out over the sudden mood change but wasn't dumb enough to question it, this was showbiz after all.

Chef was still standing awkwardly next to Chris and this was one of the few times he genuinely had no idea what would happen next. He usually had a pretty good grasp on what would happen next since he can read people pretty well, but with Chris...He couldn't tell what would happen next. And he kinda....liked it?

After a few minutes of everyone finishing up their tasks and crowding around Chris, Chris got everyone's attention by saying, "Hello to all the staff! I'd like to start this meeting with an important announcement...You're all fired!!" Chris said with a beaming smile.

"Huh?!" said most of the staff. "You can't continue this show without us! We're experienced and know what the fuck we're talking ab-" "NOPE! FIRED! ALL OF YOU LOSERS! The only other people I want on this island with me are the UNPAID interns who will run this island for me, the hormonal and acne-ridden Canadian teens, and CO-host....."

Obviously, there were shocked faces all around and LOTS of sighing. Most of them just accepted it, though. The production staff apparently made bets on how long it would take for this to happen since they could sense the instability Chris had. This lead to certain members of the staff giving money to the others for losing that bet.

After half an hour of the production staff and managers packing their equipment, they walked to the boat to get off this shit hole of an island all the while flipping off and cursing at Chris. Chris didn't care, though. He always wanted to run this show on his own, anyways.

Now with an island filled with nervously looking interns, an apparently unstable host, and a chef who was newly promoted to co-host, Chris clapped his hands together and said, "Welp! it's time to get this baby started. INTERNS!" he yelled which made them anxiously crowd him. He said, "I want to uglies to clear this part of the island near the dock as much as possible and then tidy up the cabin where the campers are gonna live. NOW!" The interns scurried away and began cleaning like their life depended, which it kind of did.

Chris POV:

Wow...I'm actually kinda proud of myself for telling those losers off. I also excited about the outcome of this show?? I don't think I've ever been this excited about anything before. And I'm happy I get to work with Chef...I wanna learn more about him. But in the meantime, I better try to coordinate how we'll co-host together

I walked over to him. He walked to a stump near the coast of the island to sit on it during the chaos of the fired staff. He noticed me, so I gave him a lil wave and said, "Hey Chef! So about this co-host thing...sorry to spring this on you, but I was hopi-"

"Chris," he said to me as he stood up. Damn I'll never get used to how tall he is. "I don't think I can continue being here..." WHAT?!

I stood there, face frozen and mind racing. Why would he want to leave? I fired everybody FOR HIM! DOES HE KNOW THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME I EVER STOOD UP FOR ANYONE?!

"Now Chef, I know this is a huge change of plans, but we can get through this together" I was REALLY trying to save this. I was so excited moments ago. What changed? "Chris...this is too much for me. I think I gotta go now..." He picked up something...HIS BAGS?! I guess he never unpacked but that was quick. I watched as he walked to the boat at the dock. I was trying to think of something, ANYTHING to say to get him to stay. I don't know why I'm trying so hard to get this random man to stay, but I have to follow through.

"Chef! Wait! I'll-I'll give you your own cabin! I'll let you drive the boat whenever you want! I'll....I'll split my paycheck with you!..." Huh? Why the fuck did I say that...I DON'T WANNA DO THAT.

Third Person POV:

Chef stopped in this tracks...'Did he really mean that? I could rebrand myself and be the famous chef I always wanted to be with that kinda money!' he thought.

Chef looked back at Chris and they both had an equal amount of shock on their faces because of what Chris said.

What the fuck are they supposed to do now?



....Hey y'all :P After nearly a year I'm back with a new chapter....happy pride ig!!🤪  Also i'm lowkey spoiling u cuties cuz it's a long chapter so be grateful.
;) I hope u guys like it cuz i almost had a stroke trying to finish this and now i have a headache. Also my sister died...

jk dorks i don't even have a sister
anyways i hope u have a good day or smth and thx for reading this trash <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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