chef's backstory

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Third Person POV:

Ever since Chef was born, he had an admiration for food and how to make it. He'd constantly cook for his friends and would cater all family events.

He remembers when he was about 10 years old he single-handedly made the entire Thanksgiving meal. It tasted delicious.

At 18, he entered a cooking competition to help send his siblings off to college when the time came. He practiced by making as many meals as he knew. He barely slept. He was determined to win.

The day of the competition had good weather. It was a crisp autumn day. He brought his lucky spatula since he loved making burgers the most.

After he was done making his famous homemade burger, he presented it to the judges. He was nervous, but had a lot of underlying confidence. No one had told him his food was bad before.

The first thing to come out of the judges' mouth was, " We've had better," followed by, "Yeah...maybe for you, but I had some trouble swallowing mine".

That was it. Chef felt his heart drop all the way through his ass at that point. The judges said good luck next time and practically shooed him away from the judges table after publicly humiliating him.

He felt broken. He existed the competition building and took off his chef's hat. He yelled in anguish and felt the tears well up in his eyes. This was the worst day of his life.

And it didn't get better. He dealt with a lot of disappointment and uselessness. He felt that he could never have a career in dining now that official judges had berated him like that.

He coped by shutting everyone out and created gross dishes, impossible to ingest by an average person. He used rotten ingredients and anything he found in the trash. He even bought strange animal products off the black market.

By the time he hit his thirties, he lost all shame. He would look for jobs at local diners and serve his abominations to the costumers. So he, of course, got fired a lot. He put up a profile of a website for chefs that want to be hired. He knew no one was gonna look at it, so he figured he'd be honest by coming out and saying that he purposely makes grotesque food that would make you vomit when you eat it.

A pretty spring afternoon came along in May with Chef sitting in his apartment's kitchen drinking a soda when he heard a notification on his phone. It was from the chefs for hire website he made a profile on. The notification said,"Hey Chef! I read your profile and thought I'd see if you wanna cook for a reality tv show on a random island. Your job would be to make three meals a day for the entirety of the airing. You would be fed proper meals along with me, the host, but the "campers" or the ones competing in this reality tv show will be forced with eating whatever you can conjure. I hope you agree come on set by June 1st to meet me and the crew!"

Chef was simply bamboozled! Baffled! Shocked! he didn't know how to process the fact that someone wanted him for how he was. He was a little flattered to be noticed as the sadistic chef he became.

And there he was. On a boat. On June 1st. Traveling to meet this so-called host named Chris. He loved feeling the sun on him. He was a very outdoorsy person. He did a lot of heavy lifting which led to his large frame. Gripping the same spatula from his youth he travels until he sees a small, trashy island at the horizon.

He boat finally docked and he got off feeling hopeful. He walked over to the group of important looking people who he assumed he would find Chris in. He introduced himself and the group did in return. They were all either directors or the ones who wrote the scripts for Chris. However, Chris was no where to be seen.

He asked where Chris, who was almost like a savior to him, was, and the group said he was in the bathroom. But they also warned him that Chris wasn't very concerned for the well being of others and was also a bit of a diva.

Chef raised his eyebrows at that statement. He wasn't necessarily shocked because who isn't a diva in showbiz, but he wanted to make sure to keep his cool.

Before he got in another word. He heard the creak of an outhouse's door. Out emerged a figure he could only assume to Chris. He had a smaller build than Chef but.....he had a really nice face....exactly his type

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