"I'm not sure," Arielle responded. "The school just gave us a range of where they thought the threat had originated from, not a specific location. We're currently in that range."

"So we just wander around and hope to stumble upon the people who said they might kill all of us and were creepily hiding in our backyard," Axe summed up. "Fantastic."

"We're here," Xavier announced and pointed in the distance.

There was a strange block building with no windows sitting at the bottom of a hill. The solid dark green walls stood strong, hiding amongst the wooden environment. The trees branches twisted above the building, shielding it with its leaves. I wondered if they painted the entire thing white in the winter. If they were even here in the wintertime. But looking at the building, it felt as if it had been standing for at least a year, hiding in the very same woods which I had been running through all these years but failed to notice the large block standing in it.

Why the hell did they build a base just twenty miles from the school, on the property of some of the deadliest people in the world? And then send a death threat just twenty-four hours ago which exposed their location?

As we crept closer, four guards dressed in the same green of the building came into view. They stood next to what appeared to be the only entrance to the square building. Another two guards came into view as they walked the perimeter, passing each other without so much as a nod.

"We get in, take some information, kill people, and get out," Arielle commanded.

"And take the guards quietly," Xavier added. "Don't let the people inside know we're here."

We nodded and Arielle looked at Nydia. Nydia stood and notched two arrows. One of the guards walking the perimeter came into view and she let the arrows fly. One arrow struck his gun, disabling it, while the other lodged itself between his eyes. He fell without much of a sound.

The next perimeter guard was about to turn the corner and find his fallen friend, but Arielle had already walked around the building and emerged from the trees, disarming and decapitating him. One of the four guards standing by the entrance looked down at his wrist, checking the time and noticing that his other friends were taking too long to walk around the building. He said a few words to the other guards and carefully rounded the corner to check up on the dead guards. Instead, he was met with Xavier who lodged a knife—which was one of mine that he stole just moments earlier—into the neck.

The man fell and Xavier twisted the gun out of his grasp, checking its quality before slinging the strap over his shoulder and throwing my knife back into the trees. He made a signal, pointing around the corner at the guards standing in front of the doors.

I picked up my fallen knife before edging around the border of the trees with Axe and Damien. Our job was the riskiest since we had no option than to charge at the guards grouped together and hope to take them out before any could react. We needed to be synchronized.

Damien held up his fingers and counted down. 


I wrapped my fingers around my daggers. Axe pulled out a knife and Damien stuffed his hand in his pockets, fiddling with an unseen invention.


I stood in a half-kneeling, half-standing position, ready to run at a moment's notice.


I sprung forward like a bullet from a barrel and dashed up to the first guard, throwing my dagger ahead of me so it landed right in his neck. I caught his gun and stopped it from firing just as he fell to the grassy ground.

School of the Crown AssassinsWhere stories live. Discover now