Chapter Fourteen

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Akane sighs softly "Ryoko-chan and I never would have imagined ourselves to fall in love, to be honest we thought love was a silly emotion that only lovesick girls catch" she muttered while laughing.

"Although in mine and Ryoko-chan's case it was forbidden to fall in love given our powers and we have to keep our emotions in check" she mentions.

Zeldris frowns "Yea I know that feeling in the Demon Clan love is believed to be a weakness" he remarks.

Akane chuckles "Ryoko-chan and I were so jaded back than but I think it's a result of the loneliness we felt for so long yet hid it so well, I guess deep down we wanted to be normal but fighting gave us an outlet to vent but we became too good at it to the point we became numb to the violence" she confessed.

"We were a fearsome duo, Ryoko-chan was nickname as Nightshade while I was the Red Death. In fact we were so feared and hated the whole damn town called us HellSpawns and my personal family the Devil's Whores" she mentions.

"How vulgar" Melascula commented with a scowl on her face.

"Typical Humans, having no class" Monspeet stated with an annoyed look on his face.

"That's nothing compare to the names Ryoko-chan received while she was with Meliodas but they wouldn't say it to his face, I think one idiot called Ryoko a whore, Meliodas pretty much beat him to death. So you imagine if Mael heard anyone calling me a vulgar name he would have turned them into ash and vice versa" she mentions with a giggle.


3,000 years ago

Ryoko and Akane along with their familiars Obsidian and Amber. Like all of the major five races they were participating in the Holy War but only for their own vices and no one else's.

Akane's eyes were bright green and she starts shooting low level demons left and right disintegrating them with one blow, and Amber using her fox fire to kill a gray demon.

While Ryoko thrusts her spear into the chest of red demon using her magic to destroy both hearts killing them from the inside and Obsidian bites them in the throat.

Ryoko's eyes turned a bright purple and she creates a barrage of black shards "Black Rain!" She shouted killing most of the low level demons.

Akane who was riding Amber, shooting one Gray Demon and she was hit by another Demon.

"Akane-chan!" Ryoko shouted, Akane groans and she felt herself being lifted into a pair of warm arms, she looks up into a sky blue eyes with triskele symbols in both of them, Akane smiles lovingly.

"Mael" she breathe with relief, Mael's warm blue eyes turned an icy blue and he melts the gray demon who assaulted the priestess.

Ryoko sighs in relief "Thank goodness" she muttered, unfortunately for her she attacked from behind by Bellion the Leader of the Six Knights of Black.

Bellion grabs her by the hair "So you must his lover Ryoko or should I say Nightshade" he stated menacingly.

Akane grits her teeth and she rushes out of Mael's arms "Get your fucking hands off her you bastard! Sacred Arrow!" She shouted shooting an arrow at him hitting him in the arm, angering Bellion.

"You little bitch!" He growled and he was head butted by Ryoko causing him to loose his grip but didn't do much and he was so lost in his anger and he started beating down the witch causing her to cough blood.

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