𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ➳ Please cancel the engagement, your majesty

Start from the beginning

The King went silent for a minute before standing up and slapping my father's back, taking me by surprise. "What's with you being formal and all to me? It's giving me the creeps. It doesn't suit you at all." I glanced at my peripheral view, only to see my father glaring at the king who wore a horrified expression.

I averted my eyes in a hurry when his gaze fell upon me. Laughter could be heard in the garden as the king's magnetic voice came into my ears again. "Ah, I see. Is it because your daughter is here? You want to keep a good image in front of your daughter? Hahaha!" My father grumbled loudly, "Shut up."

I felt another gaze on me. "I'm not like that, Alyn. Please don't listen to this noisy old man." I understand, Father, but...when the fuck is this king going to let me lift my fucking head?! It's starting to hurt already!

The king continued laughing loudly, enjoying himself. I felt my patience slipping away, finally no longer able to take it. "Pardon me for my impudence, your majesty, but can I lift my head now? My neck is starting to hurt."

As if snapping out of his reverie, he told me to lift my head, which I obliged with glee. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I thanked the king. He stared at me with warmth as a smile made its way onto his lips. "It's nice to see you growing so healthily, Alyn. You were still so tiny the last time you visited the palace. I hope you'll come visit again from now on."

Hmm...seems like Amarizi had a good relationship with the king. "I'll keep that in mind, your majesty." A frown replaced his smile. "Call me Pops like you used to before. Drop the formalities. You are like a daughter to me after all."

Father glared at the king, displeasure written all over his face. He ignored my father's glares and kept his eyes on me, sparkling in expectation. My lips curved upwards, showing my front teeth. "Alright, Pops!"

His face lit up as he ushered me towards the seat beside him, ignoring my father's murderous glares. Father sat on the opposite side of the king. My eyes gleamed brightly as I drooled at the numerous treats in front of me. After receiving permission of the king, I wasted no time on grabbing a treat or two.

The king watched me munching happily on the donut with fondness before breaking the silence. "Alyn, how is it going with my son? I hope he's treating you well. Tell me if he-"

I coughed out loud as I choked on my second donut, cutting off his words. Father hurriedly handed me a glass of water as the king patted my back gently. I accepted the glass of water and chugged it down in my throat. "Are you okay?" Father asked, brows knitting together with a frown on his lips.

I nodded as I said my apologies to both of them. Shit. I almost forgot my original goal in coming here. I can't believe I let myself get distracted by the food in front of me. I clicked my tongue. Thank goodness, the King brought the subject up. I turned my gaze towards the King, giving him a small smile. "About the engagement..."

"Yes, what is it? Is there anything you're not satisfied with?" I shook my head. "No. In fact, it's going smoothly." Along the plot, much to my chagrin! I bit back the last words that threatened to slip out of my mouth as he let out a sigh in relief. "But..."

His brows drew together. "I don't want this engagement, Pops. I ask of you to please rethink your decision." The king widened his eyes as he glanced at my father who just nodded at him. "What are you talking about, Alyn? Isn't this what you always ask of me before? You have always told me about your desire to become the crown prince's fiancé."

Sigh...here goes nothing. My eyebrows creased as I pursed my lips, head lowered while gazing up at them guiltily. "About that, Pops...I realized it was just a fleeting crush. I no longer held any feelings towards his highness and I also want us to marry someone who we love and who will love us back." His gaze grew dark as I suddenly felt the atmosphere getting chilly. "Did the crown prince told you that he won't love you?"

Shit. I messed up. I should have worded it better!

"No, no. I just don't want us to be stuck in a loveless marriage, Pops. His highness should have the freedom to marry someone he loves." His face visibly relaxed, a warm smile adorning his lips again. "You don't have to worry about that, Alyn. The crown prince voluntarily agreed to this engagement." What? Why the fuck would he do that?

"And you also don't have to worry about being in a loveless marriage, he will surely fall in love with such a lovely girl like you in no time." I highly doubt that though! My lips tugged downwards. "Even so, Pops, I still don't want the engagement."

"Why are you so insistent on breaking this engagement off? Tell me honestly, Alyn. Are you perhaps dissatisfied with the prince's attitude?" I sneered in my heart. If you're already aware of it, then stop pushing him to me!

"Yes, I don't like the prince's attitude so please break off the engagement."

He let out a sigh, shifting his gaze to father. "You didn't tell her?" Father just shook his head with a guilty expression.

"Tell what?" He shifted his gaze back on me, smiling. "Alyn, this engagement has already been set in stone as soon as you were born to keep the greedy nobles from trying to marry into royalty. I just can't just cancel it without a valid reason, and the reputation of both families involved will be tarnished."

I glanced at father who refused to meet my gaze. Father, you didn't tell me anything about this! "Can't it be resolved while minimizing the damage?" They just shot me a smile, refusing to answer. They're refusing to budge! "Can't you just accept the engagement?"

I clenched my fist that was hidden under the table. "I would, but I'm afraid I might cause harm to the crown prince."

"Why would you cause harm to him?" I stared at him with a blank look. "I might run out of patience and just hit him if he continues on pissing me off." The king burst into laughter, holding his stomach.

"Then do so! It might finally turn him into a better child." Did you just passed on your responsibility as a father to me?! "Shouldn't you be doing that instead, pops?"

"You're right, but you're here now so you can just discipline him for me." I frowned at him. What an irresponsible parent! "Then, I'll take your word for it, but I'm still against the engagement."

It was now the king's turn to frown. "I told you, Alyn. I can't do that."

"If it can't be helped, then how about making me his highness' fiancé candidate instead? The engagement is not completely broken, and the crown prince can still get engaged with someone he loves if ever he changes his mind." I finished with a smile, giving each of them a glance.

"You're really Ain's daughter. You really know how to negotiate a deal in your favor." My father flashed me a proud smile, making me smile back. "I'm flattered, Pops. So back to my suggestion, what do you say about it?"

"Do I have a say in this?"

"No," I replied, smiling sweetly. He shook his head in defeat. "Then I have no choice but to accept it then."

A broad grin broke out of my lips. "Thank you, Pops!"

I guess I accomplished my goal?

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