Funny how I didn't even realized that I was crying until he wiped away my tears. It hurts so much. Max hugged me tight and kept assuring me that it's all going to be fine.

"It hurts Max, and how dare he say that I will wait for him. I will never take him back. I hate him Max. I hate him so much." I sobbed into his chest.

He thought that by writing me a letter it's all going to be fine. That when he will be back I would wait for him with my arms wide open. What was he thinking? If he would've told me straight and simple to my face I would've been happy for him, sure I would have been sad but at least it wouldn't hurt this much.

I don't know how long Max held me like that but I was thankful for him being there with me.

"Max you won't leave me right?" I whispered against his shoulder, still locked in his embrace.

He moves out of our embrace to look me in the eye so I can see the sincerity in his warm brown eyes when he said, "never."


4 years later.

Kristine's POV

Today me and Max are going to fun fair. Actually this was his idea but I know he was planning this because he knows that I just love fun fairs.

Ever since that night Max is being a little protective of me and is almost all the time with me like a shadow. I sometimes get annoyed but I also know that he is just doing that to make sure I am okay, which I am. I am happy that he is with me. He made these years easy for me.

Max and I are studying in a university here in our home town. It's just only one hour drive from here and we travel together. I cannot believe that day after tomorrow is our graduation day. Time really flies. I can't believe that Sam is not with us. No! Don't go there Kristy! I inwardly scolded myself.

I glanced at the clock and noticed its 2:00 pm already. Max asked me to be ready at 2:30. Oh shit!

I hurriedly took a yellow sun dress out of my closet and laid it out on my bed and then went in the bathroom for a bath.

By the time I was done I heard max shouting from down stairs to hurry, he must have allowed himself inside knowing that my dad was at office and I was in shower. I checked myself in the mirror again just to make sure I look decent enough and I was quite impressed by myself. I looked pretty good. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

Max was waiting for me at the stairs a very impatient look on his face was replaced by an adorable smile when he saw me. I quickly threw my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent.

"Missed me?" he asked, cocky bastard. I know he was smirking.

"Why can't I hug you without any reason?" I teased and stuck my tongue at him.

He gently pulled me to look at his face. For a moment I forgot that how beautiful he is.

"Sure you can and by the way you look cute." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I blushed and he winked. He ushered me outside to his car or I should say truck, he has this red truck which I think is cool and it suits his personality too. While he was walking ahead of me to get to the driver's side I noticed that he is wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans with black sneakers. And man! He looked hot. Seriously? What is happening to me? He is my best friend for Christ's sake.

I got in to the truck and we were off on the road. After driving for half an hour we got there, fun fair was in full swing. It was alive with numerous people, food stalls and music. People were walking leisurely and the place was very crowded. Max paid for our tickets and I excitedly dragged him inside.

I looked up to Max and tugged at his arm to get his attention. He looked at me and I grinned devilishly.

"No Kristy! I know that look and I am not going with you on that ride, last time I remember I almost puked. No! Sorry." He said with determination.

"But it was fun. And you didn't puke. Please! Pretty please." I gave him my best puppy dog face.

"Seriously, you are pulling this stunt on me? Ahh! Okay, fine. I guess one ride won't hurt.

Me and Max had a lot fun. We rode on almost all the rides and we ate hamburgers too. My favorite. And last but not the least was the most exciting ride. Farris wheel.

I took Max's hand and dragged him along with me. We both sat in the wheel, my hand still in Max's. I looked at him and he seemed nervous about something.

"Max? You okay?" I nudged him with my shoulder.

"Yeah, I am good." He seemed unsure of his answer too but gave me a smile nonetheless and linked our hands together.

Oh no! What is he hiding again? The last time he hid something from me turned my world upside down.

I hope it's not that bad.

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