Piper: We're cute.

Leo smiled and nodded.

Piper: Another movie?

Leo: Sure.

I got up to put in the second movie I chose.

Leo: What time does the dance end?

Piper: 10:00.

I looked at the clock on the wall.

Piper: They have about an hour left.

Leo nodded as Melinda walked by the living room heading toward the front door with Prudence and Jaxon in tow. I put in the movie and sat back down on the couch beside Leo. I heard the kids talking by the door.

Melinda: See you guys on Monday.

Prudence: Don't forget to study for the test.

Jaxon: No worries. Science is my favorite class. I got this.

Melinda: Well, science isn't my forte so I'll be studying extra hard.

Prudence: Bye, Mel.

Prudence shouted from the door.

Prudence: Bye, Aunt Piper! Bye, Uncle Leo!

Piper: Bye, sweetie. Tell your mom "hi" for me.

Leo: Bye!

Prudence and Jaxon left the house. Melinda came into the living room.

Leo: Are they walking home?

Melinda nodded.

Melinda: Well, Prudence just lives a few houses down, and Aunt Phoebe knows she's coming. And Jaxon lives a block away. He said his dad trusts him so ...

Piper: But what about everyone else? We can't trust them.

Melinda rolled her eyes.

Melinda: He'll be fine. He texted his dad.

I nodded.

Leo: What test do you have on Monday? You never mentioned a test.

Melinda: That's because it's not a big deal. It's just the elements 1-20. Nothing I can't handle.

Melinda smiled and turned to leave.

Melinda: But just in case, I'm gonna go study.

She left the room. Leo chuckled as I smiled.

Leo: I don't think I studied the elements in school.

Piper: Really?

Leo: Well, it has been over 80 years, but I'm pretty sure.

I smiled, then something hit me. Elements?

Piper: Elements?

Leo looked at me confused.

Leo: What about them?

Piper: No, elements, like fire, water, earth, and air.

Leo nodded.

Leo: Those are elements, yeah.

I looked at him. A few seconds later his face lit up with realization.

Leo: Oh!

I nodded.

Piper: That's what's going on. Someone's messing with the elements.

Leo: Now the question is, who?

Piper: Let's go.

I stood up from the couch as Leo watched me.

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