I frowned reading what he said. Yoongi has never talked about why he decided to go off on his own but that makes sense. I wanted to meet his brother, glare at him.

"Jimin can you get Grays shoes out of the back?" Yoongi asked as we pulled the car over, the other car right behind us.


He climbed over the backseat and got a pair of black shoes. I had already taken my heels off and was thankful for the flats.

"I thought you might want more of walking shoes."

"Thank you,"

He nodded and hopped out of the car, Taehyung already opening my door. I smiled and took his hand.

"Woah. The tension that just poured out of that care is insane," he whispered into my ear and I just raised my eyes brows nodding.

"Secrets don't make friends Taehyung!" Hobi yelled making us laugh. Namjoon had walked over to Jin telling his something and Yoongi was texting on his phone.

Jungkook was still in the car and Jimin leaned against the back of our car, eyes closed. I stood there watching Yoongi who's mood had dropped since the phone call.

"Ready to walk?" Jungkook asked locking the car door, I looked around but no one answered.

"Yes I am!" I said grabbing his arm and walking, leaving the others the choice to follow or not. Taehyung and Jimin followed us but no one else realized at first.

"What's wrong with grumpy?" Jungkook asked me. He didn't have to clarify who he meant.

"His brother called in the car."

"Oh. What did he say?" Jimin walked fast catching up to our pace, I was glad for the flats as they all have long legs and walk really fast.

"Don't know. He mentioned Jess, made hyung get mad."

Jungkook gestured his head to me," And Gray?"

I glanced to Jimin and he just shook his head no. Jungkook sighed and held my arm tighter smiling at me.

"His brother is an ass. No way around it. A money leech. It's Yoongi's fault if he can't see that."

I smiled but looked down at the ground. I've never heard Jungkook talk like that. He was the youngest of the group, I have not doubt that Yoongi's brother picked on him because of that.

"Hey! Guys wait up!" Hoseok yelled from behind us. We had walked a good amount away from them and they just now noticed.

I took one look at the three boys and we all dashed, running as fast as we could. I had no clue where we were going but since they were faster than me I followed behind them.

I pulled my dress up higher so I could run faster, Hobi and Namjoon were both laughing behind us, also running. I didn't dare look back though. With my luck I would trip and fall.

Taehyung was the first to stop, he grabbed Jimin and Jungkook grabbed me, pulling me to the side, off the road and into the trees Hoseok and Namjoon ran right past us.

"Gray?! Jimin?? Kook?" They yelled and I had to cover my mouth from laughing. We hid behind trees slowly following them, Hobi holding onto Joons shit scared.

I was about to go out to them when a sudden flash came up from behind me and Jin was standing there, flash on his phone. He laughed," Gotcha!"

I screamed laughing and darted from him, running as fast as I could. Taehyung running the same way as me. Yoongi was walking down the road, obviously missing out on the fun.

I stopped when we got to Hoseok and sat down on the ground laughing, Jimin falling down also has he came up. I panted.

"Why did you guys run?!" He squealed and I laughed harder. My hair was everywhere and I was a mess. I tried to catch my breathe by laying down but that only made it worse.

I sat up on my knees wheezing for air. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe! I grabbed my neck coughing but nothing was happening. What was wrong? I was fine just a second ago.

My eyes got dark spots as I tried tell someone.

"Ji- Ji- Hel-" I choked holding my neck and reaching for him.

"GRAY!?" Taehyung yelled running to my side. That caught everyone's attention but I still was gasping for air.

I started to panic, like really panic. Tears streamed down my face as Jin touched me, trying to figure out what was wrong. Their yelling grew quieter, muffled.

Yoongi held my hand and everything got darker, his face in panic. The last thing I saw was a tear slip down his cheek.

I never got to see where they were taking me...

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