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Imogen sighed softly, changing into leggings and a crop top before quickly pulling her hair up into a ponytail with two loose strands at the front

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Imogen sighed softly, changing into leggings and a crop top before quickly pulling her hair up into a ponytail with two loose strands at the front. She was stressed with all of the strange things that had happened to her recently and she needed to burn off some energy.

Imogen never realised it but she would always have this feeling each month but on different days. The buzzing sensation in her veins and the feeling of being trapped. She would always go for a run to calm the strange feeling and hope she would feel better.

The reason why she had these strange feelings was a mystery to her. She was sure she was coming down with some strange illness as of recent, with her eyes seeming to change in an inhuman manner. Imogen fastened her shoes tightly on her feet, opening the bedroom window to sneak out.

Victoria was always extremely protective of Imogen, compared to Allison. She would always have to know where she was going and had given her consistent warnings to be home before dark, claiming it wasn't safe. It had soon grew tiring and Imogen would just sneak out and make sure she was back before they noticed.

The teenager stepped out onto the roof, jumping down onto the grass in a crouched position. She'd always found she prevailed in classes like gym, as well as the intellectual side of things. She hated gym and would often skip to do something more interesting, rather than pointlessly run around just to get sweaty.

Her parents had told her once of her "cat like" reflexes, words from their mouth.
She could remember a time when she was 9 and had fell down the stairs. They had taken her to a hospital to find out it was broken, getting a cast on it. The peculiar thing was that the Imogen didn't need the cast the next day and the bone was back in place, only a few bruises and scrapes left behind.

She plugged her headphones into her iPod, shoving them into her ears before she took off down the driveway. She always had a similar running path, out of the town and usually into the woods or a forest if there was one nearby. Even in the new town of Beacon, the woods were easy to find. It was almost instinctual.

The teenager reached the border of the woods rather quickly, taking a few gulps from her water bottle. Imogen then took off at full speed before, into the woods. The blood pumped loudly in her veins, almost deafening but Imogen continued on to try and drown it out.

Scott sighed. He was walking through the river, with his best friend. Stiles.
"I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball and that's not the only weird thing.. I can hear things that I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott complained, getting closer to Stiles's face at the end of his sentence.

"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles snorted.
"Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket..and perfume." Scott frowned.
"I don't even have any mint moj.." The teenager reached into his pocket, surprised when he pulled out a stick of gum.
Scott shrugged and threw his hands up in the air.
"You were only half right, I don't wear perfume." Stiles had to be right.

"This all started with the bite?" Stiles said, walking behind his best friend.
"What if it's like an infection, like my body is flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott started to panic.
"Yeah I've heard of this infection before." Stiles mentally smirked.
"You have? Really?" Scott persisted.
"Yeah, yeah. It's called Lycanthropy." Stiles grinned.
"What is that bad?" Scott frowned in confusion.
"It's the worst but only once a month." Stiles placed his hands on his hips.
"Once a month?" The naive Scott frowned.
"Mhm. Only on the night of a full moon." Stiles made a howling noise.
"Hey man! Their could be something seriously wrong with me." Scott huffed, shoving his laughing best friend.
"I know! You heard wolves howling and you're a werwolf!" Stiles growled teasingly.
"Okay-" The teenager was about to speak again before something bumped into him, knocking him down to the floor.

"Very funny Stiles." Scott rolled his eyes, before he turned around to see his best friend on the floor.

"Uh, hey." The Stillinski boy looked up to see the new girl from earlier.
"Sorry.." Imogen mumbled. She took her headphones from her ears, blushing and looking down at the leaves on the forest floor.

"Perfume.." Scott blurted out.
"What?" Imogen lifted her head to look at the boy, confused.

"It's Imogen right?" Stiles tried to save the situation, throwing his best friend a confused look at what he blurted out.

Scott smiled an amused smile at the teenager sitting on top of his best friend. He tried to hold in a snicker at the red face of Stiles, failing miserably.
Imogen nodded and quickly placed her hand down on the muddy forest floor to push herself up. Imogen's hand slipped in the mud and she fell down on her stomach, even closer to Stiles than before.

"There are other ways to tell me you're into me.." Stiles tried to be smooth.
"I'm not into you, you'd be lucky. You're in my way."  Imogen hissed, her eyes changing to blue again from her distress.

Scott just happened to look up upon her eyes changing. Stiles froze at the sight, his mouth falling open and his eyes wide. Imogen could feel the strange buzzing sensation throughout her body again, closing her eyes and digging her nails deeply into palms.

She hesitantly opened her eyes again and hoped they had returned to normal. Imogen figured they had, taking in the new expression of Stiles. He had a puzzled expression while he studied the girl, trying to comprehend if her eyes had actually changed or if he had a concussion.

"As much as this is.. fun. You're uh.. sitting somewhere you shouldn't be." Stiles mumbled with heated cheeks, making Imogen scramble back in disgust. She mentally reminded herself to disinfect her whole body later.
She braced to hit the forest floor but instead felt two arms wrap around her, helping her to stand up.

"I'm Scott and that's Stiles." Scott smiled, gesturing to the boy that was getting up from the floor.
"Pen boy. Imogen and just a friendly warning, if you ever touch me like that again apart from to help me..you won't stay standing." Imogen smiled a falsely sweet smile.

"Scott, her eyes-" Stiles blurted out when he remembered.
"Stillinski." Imogen hissed, giving him a death glare before putting her false smile back on her face.
"I think you have a concussion or you've been staring into her eyes for too long. I'm sorry about him, he's..eccentric." Scott apologised, giving a sheepish smile.

Imogen rolled her eyes and responded with heavy sarcasm.
"You're cute pen boy but this doesn't mean I'll put a good word in with Allison for you."

"I don't have a crush on Allison." Scott immediately tried to cover it up, making Stiles scoff in response.
"Sure you don't, buddy." Stiles said patronisingly, patting his best friend on the back.

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