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Imogen bobbed up and down with the motion of Stiles's worn jeep as the Stillinski boy sped away from Lydia's

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Imogen bobbed up and down with the motion of Stiles's worn jeep as the Stillinski boy sped away from Lydia's. Stiles had propped Imogen up and fastened her seatbelt for extra safety, proud of his decision.

He hadn't attended a ton of parties but he was aware of a small thing of choking on your own vomit.
He sped through the town of Beacon Hills with no set destination, racking his brain to think of a safe place.

Stiles knew if he rocked up to the Argent house with Imogen in this stage.. he'd be maimed on the spot by her father, perhaps even shot. He did really need to check on Allison after leaving her with a sociopath like Derek Hale.

"Stiles.. you need to stop the car." Imogen mumbled drowsily, breathing heavily. She had her head bent and practically nestled into her own chest. The young woman let out quite whimpers of pain and dug her nails deeper into her palm.
"Let's just let the werewolf girl loose in the middle of Beacon Hills. Great idea." Stiles muttered sarcastically, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

"Stop the car."
"Imogen. No."

"Stop the fucking car Stiles." Imogen snarled. Stiles was startled at the dangerousness in her voice and took his eye off the wheel to turn around. He immediately regretted his decision upon the sight of Imogen with ominous, glowing blue eyes and sharp fangs developing from her mouth as he stared.

"You.. you might be changing. I'll get us to the woods." Stiles spun the steering wheel frantically and stared out the window screen. He was scared to turn around and see the new developments of the young woman's change.

"Now." Imogen demanded and burst from her seatbelt, her body hunched with the sounds of bodily cracks and vocal whimpers filling the vehicle. Imogen shoved Stiles to the side and grabbed the steering wheel, dragging the car slowly to one side.
"Careful! Don't break it!" Stiles swallowed his fears and gripped the steering wheel over the females hands. He attempted to turn the wheel the other way, attempting to move the car into a straight line and out of skidding.

Unfortunately, the two different pulling actions of the steering wheel just sent the car into a spinning frenzy. The old jeep skidded down the old road of Beacon Hills, spinning dangerously with no end in sight.

"Find Allison..." Imogen spoke hoarsely before forcing the locked car door open with her new found strength.
Stiles wanted to call out but he was in utter shock and couldn't find the right words. The car slowly skidded to a stop as Imogen appeared in front of the vehicle and slowly pulled the car to a stop. And then she was gone, vanishing in the direction of the woods. A new hunched over form, with sharp fangs and scarily blue eyes.

Stiles mouth fell agape, diving out of the open door.
"I..I..." Stiles tried but his mouth was dry from a mix of fear and no idea what the hell had just happened. He swallowed thickly and gazed at the front of his jeep. He ran his fingers over the new found claw marks across the front and noticed the dried blood from Imogen's clawed hands on the steering wheel. Stiles shivered, goosebumps covering his body and a new fear of his crush and best friend possibly developing.

"Allison!" Stiles shouted out, still in a daze of fear. He climbed back into the jeep and clutched the steering wheel with shaky hands, driving off to the Argent house. He would return and look for his friends.. he just needed to escape what the hell had just happened, even if it was just momentarily.

Imogen ran through Beacon Hills Preserve, her new found claws raking through the fallen leaves and leaving a crunching sound behind her. The smell of sweet berry perfume filled her nose and it left her with a warm feeling. Something or somebody familiar to her and she needed it. She needed them.

"Where is she?"
"She's safe... from you."
Imogen barely heard the two arguing voices, ready for the attack and diving forward onto the first male in sight.
Derek hissed and tackled Imogen, the young woman eager to right back. They both rolled down a slight hill and ended up with Imogen pinned to the floor. Scott lay flat beside them, growling in defiance as Derek had dragged him down the hill.

"What did you do with her?"
"I'll kill you!" Imogen cried out, throwing her body around under Derek.
"Shh, quiet. Too late. They're already here. Run." Derek immediately released his sister, unknowingly to her and made a run for it.

The two new werewolves weren't aware of the incoming danger. Scott froze in place, soon distracted by an arrow flying past and a bang of light following. Scott blinked viscously and tried to recover his sight. He ended up pinned to a tree with arrows.

Imogen whimpered from the light, blindly stumbling forward ready to attack.
"Stiles.. where are you..?" Imogen mumbled quietly under heavy breaths.

"Take him and don't forget his little friend." Chris spat, nodding to his fellow hunters as they stepped out of the shadows. Chris levelled his crossbow, aimed toward Scott. Derek swallowed down the feeling of guilt at the sight of the lost young female werewolf, a couple of steps away from danger. He couldn't figure out why he was so bothered about her. She was her own problem, not his. He didn't have the time nor will to train a new werewolf, never mind two.

Derek groaned mentally, letting the angel on his shoulder win this battle and took action, after hearing a cry of pain as an arrow was lodged into her shoulder. It infuriated him that they would attack, even when somebody was down. Imogen was barely conscious, stuck in a daze. Derek moved toward the hunters, swearing quietly as he got an arrow in his arm for acting like a human shield as he moved Imogen in the darkness. This is why he didn't do kindness.

Derek knocked out the two closest to him, leaving Chris outnumbered. He took advantage of the distraction and pulled the arrow out of Scott's arm, causing him to roar in pain.

Derek grabbed the still blinded and drowsy young woman, who had become more and more human, running to safety with Scott in tow.
"Who were they?" Scott panted, on his knees and trying to recover from the werewolf ordeal.

"Hunters. The kind that have been hunting us for centuries."
"Us? You mean you! You did this to me! And.. Imogen?" Scott's eyes grew wide at the nearly unconscious female that lay in front of Derek.
"Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can see better? Hear more clearly? Move faster than any human could ever hope? You've been given something that most people would kill for. The Bite is a gift."

"I don't want it."
"You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it." Derek placed a hand on Scott's shoulder, a brotherly gesture.
"So you and me, Scott? We're brothers now."

And with that, Derek picked up the out of it young female in his arms, wrapping his jacket over her freezing cold body.
"Leave her alone!" Scott shouted angrily. He meekly pushed himself up from the floor, still weak on his feet.
"Go home Scott. She'll be at school in the morning. I'm not going to eat her." Derek responded flatly. He felt responsible for Imogen and he just couldn't explain it. Every fibre of his being was screaming for him to take her home with him and make sure she was safe.

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