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Imogen had ran and ran, finding herself in the middle of the woods

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Imogen had ran and ran, finding herself in the middle of the woods. She had doubled over in pain upon coming to a stop, feeling a wave of nausea and more tears flooding from her eyes. She wanted to go back and to apologise for everything but at the same time she was scared of her newfound strength and what could happen.

"Well done Imogen, you screwed up that relationship.." Imogen ripped herself to bits, wiping her face desperately with the sleeve of her hoodie. She hurried forward into the woods, trying to ignore the dramatic pounding of her heart that rattled her rib cage and threatened to jump out of her nervous chest. The young woman couldn't be entirely sure if her face had changed from the monstrous sight from earlier, back to a seemingly innocent one. She hadn't dared to look, getting skittish upon crossing anybody in the street during her escape from the house and she'd kept her gaze firmly on her shoes.

She didn't know where she was planning to go, but it was like her feet had a mind  of their own. They seemed to bring her to the area where she had bumped into the two strange boys earlier on in the day and still pushed her forward. She hesitantly walked further into the clearing and was immediately confused by the silence and the clear lack of socialisation in the area. The birds seemed to be chirping extra loud and the whistling of the wind, the crunching of the leaves beneath her feet, was extra clear in her ears. Almost, like she had an auditory magnifying glass over the woods landscape.

Derek Hale had been on his way back to the hale house, after scolding the two stupid boys that dared to cross on his land. Beacon Hills had already ruined his life and taken his family from him. He just wished to be left alone in peace, that was easier said then done. He'd picked up a new scent in his territory, a scent of perfume. Something like strawberries and vanilla. The scent intrigued Derek, which was highly unusual but it had a sense of familiarity. He'd easily crossed the landscape, after turning around and cautiously following the scent.

"He's going to leave you, as your whole family should. You're a monster Imogen.." Derek could hear a woman's voice whimper. The voice was unsteady and seemed to be on the verge of tears. He hated having to do emotions but something in him made him draw closer.
"I have a.. I have a.. I'm throughly self defence trained and my phone can be tracked." Imogen tried to be assertive upon noticing the new male standing there but failed. Of course she did know self defence, but it wouldn't be practical in her current state and her phone had been left behind at home. She had jumped when she'd looked up and saw him, flinching backwards. Derek had merely smirked in response, amused at the falsely bold attitude from the girl.

"I don't want to hurt you. I want you off my land." Derek rolled his eyes. He still couldn't shake the feeling that she was known to him.
"Right.. I'll go.." Imogen mumbled and pushed herself up quickly. She stumbled back when trying to get up, her foot slipping on a pile of wet mud and making the girl slide down till she was sat in front of the man.

"Right, you're leaving." Derek scoffed.
"What's your problem anyway?" Imogen snapped, wiping the last of her tears away vigorously with her clean hand.
"Problem? You're on my land, near my home. What are you crying over? Mommy and daddy won't buy you something?" Derek mocked, folding his arms over his chest. He had to bite back the urge to release his short temper.

"Believe it or not, we're not all basic white girls. I.. I changed into something, a monster and hurt my father. I need locking up.." Imogen admitted hesitantly. He would probably think she was mad.
"Change.. into what?" Derek simply furrowed his brows and held his hand out for the girl in response.
Imogen hesitantly took his hand and pulled herself up, contemplating whether or not to answer. He'd probably be scared of her to and run for the hills.

"I...uhm.. really blue eyes but I don't have blue eyes and t-teeth.. like a monster." Imogen hiccuped, on the verge of tears again.
Derek temporarily froze at the sensation he received when they touched. He received a warm feeling when they touched, a familiar and new calming energy running through his veins.
"You're not a monster. You're a.. werewolf.. Were you bitten by something?" Derek asked flatly.

There was a silence for a second before Imogen broke into a large fit of laughter.
"I'm a werewolf.. of course. It all makes sense. Thank you for cheering me up, whoever you are." Imogen smiled a half smile.
"Huh.. yeah.. that was the plan.." Derek mumbled but his face faltered. He hoped she hadn't noticed his very obvious frown and puzzled expression at why she was laughing.

"Who are you?" Imogen looked up at him with curiosity shining in her eyes. She couldn't explain it but she felt comfortable around this stranger.
"I'm.. I'm nobody. Just a strange forest living man, a man that doesn't like people on my land. Please go home." Derek returned to his usual sarcastic self.
"He'll hate me.. I hurt my dad when he.. he wouldn't tell me why my eyes are changing colour and I have these loud noises in my ears.." Imogen rambled on, allowing her guilt to swallow her up.

"Go home." Derek snapped and turned the girl away from him, gently pushing her forward. He vowed to keep an eye on her, at least until he could figure out why she was so familiar.
Imogen stumbled forward, catching herself just and tried to turn around to thank the man for the laugh. He'd already disappeared into the woodland landscape, leaving Imogen bewildered at how he had left so quickly.

The Lost Hale  [𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora