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Imogen escaped the class as soon the bell rang

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Imogen escaped the class as soon the bell rang. The class seemed like it lasted an eternity and had made Imogen want to bang her head repeatedly on the table.

Imogen walked with Allison to their lockers which were coincidentally right next to each other, smirking as she noticed Allison smile at the strange boy from earlier.
"Do you have a crush..on your first day day?" Imogen mock gasped, adjusting her books in her arms and placing her spare hand on her chest.

"I don't have a crush on him. He was just nice and offered me a pen." Allison lied.
"Of course you don't. Heads up, we're about to have company." Imogen whispered dramatically and placed her books in her locker, shutting her locker door. Allison furrowed a brow confused at her words, turning and nearly jumping in fright when a red headed girl suddenly appeared in front of them.

Imogen couldn't explain how she knew she was coming. She'd been able to smell her perfume and feel her presence when she was a short distance away. She passed it off as the girl having sprayed too much of a very strong smelling perfume.

"That jacket is absolutely killer and I love your shirt. Where'd you get them?" The red head asked.

"Oh our mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." Allison smiled.

"And you two are now my new best friends." The red head smiled, laughing when a boy came up behind her.

"Hey Jackson." The girl grinned, while the boy pulled her in for a kiss.

Imogen zoned out for a second, the noises in the hallway growing obnoxiously loud. The ringing of mobile phones echoed in her ears and all of the conversations merged into a loud jumble.

"Can someone please tell me how the new girls are here all of five minutes and they're already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" A dark haired girl asked the two boys from earlier.

"Because they're hot. Beautiful people herd together." Stiles said bluntly.
Imogen quickly yanked open her locker, feeling a strange buzzing sensation throughout her body. She glanced at the small mirror on the locker door, freezing when she realised her eyes had changed colour again.

"What the hell is going on.." Imogen cursed and hurriedly thought of ways to calm herself down. She leant backwards and swung her elbow back, purposely slamming it on the locker below. Imogen bit back a groan of pain, closing her eyes and reluctantly glanced into the mirror again.

"There's a party this weekend." Lydia smiled, bringing Imogen back to the conversation.

"A party?"

"Yeah, Friday night. You both should come." Lydia demanded. Allison fell silent, chewing on a reason why they couldn't go to the party.

"It's family night!" Imogen suddenly cried out. She took a quick glance into the mirror, a wave of relief washing over her when her eyes were normal again. She slammed her locker shut, the loud banging noise filling the hallway.

"Yeah, it's family night. Nobody gets out of family night." Allison seconded.

"You sure? I mean everyone's coming after the scrimmage." Jackson said.

"You mean like football?" Allison asked the cocky boy.

"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here's Lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years." Jackson scoffed, responding with a smug smile.

"Football is a joke in Beacon. We've won the state championship for the past three years." Imogen mocked under her breath. She zoned out when Lydia started to fawn over Jackson, glancing across the hall to see the pen boy staring at Allison.

So much for not liking each other.

"We practice in a few minutes, that is if you two don't have anything else.." Jackson trailed off. He just wanted to show off his lacrosse skills to the new girls, even if he was with Lydia.

"Well, we were going to.." Allison tried before Lydia cut her off.
"Perfect. You're both coming." Lydia demanded, grabbed both of their hands and practically dragged them down the hall.

The Lost Hale  [𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt