Arihant started staring at me.

"Please. Don't look at me like this now. Don't I know that your life is stuck in that girl? I was just telling the truth."

"There is no use arguing with you."  Arihant said shaking his head.

"That's why you never argue with me."

"We will talk here and there later. Tell me the work for which you have come here."  Arihant asked directly.

"I told you a little while ago that I wanted to meet my friend. I have come to meet you."  I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"I know you very well. That's why I also know that this time you have come to see me because of some of your work. That's why don't be too much and tell me what work is."

"How well you know me. Truly, if you were a girl, I would have married you."

"Then I must say thank you to God to be born as a man or else I have to share my whole life with you."  He said laughing lightly.

"Actually, I have a work for you. And I know that you will not refuse me."  I told taking him in confidence.

"Brother, now you are putting pressure on me."

"The pressure is on you."

"First, tell me the work."

"I have a cousin. He has finished his school this year. He wants to go into medical but he is not getting perfect guidance. You know that everyone in our family does business. So there is no right guidance for him"  I said turning things around.

"But then why have you come to me for this ? I am not a doctor."

"I know you are not a doctor. But if you can recommend a doctor, "

"If you want a recommendation, then you have only a lot of people."  He said picking up a glass of water.

"Yes, but I lack reliable people. I don't trust anyone more than you. If you recommend someone, he will be the best."

He drank water and thought for a while.

"There is someone. He is a doctor. He is a neuro surgeon. He is my cousin."  he said.


No Arihant.

You don't have to name of anyone other than Shivani.

"But the problem is that he is not here right now. I mean, he is not in the city right now." I was comforted to hear that.

"We can do one thing. He will come back to Delhi after a week. We will then introduce your cousin to him. Will it be okay?"


I have come here only to seek the recommendation of Shivani.

"No man. 7 days is too much. After 3 days my cousin's counseling is going on. He has to select his stream as well. No one knows what happens. If there is a doctor who is currently available, name him. "  I said hoping that this time he will definitely take Shivani's name.

He thought for a while more.

"By the way, there is a doctor."

"Who?"  I immediately asked.

"Shivani."  Yes, this is what I was waiting for.

"Who Shivani?the Shivani did you bring to the party last night?"  I asked

"Yes, same Shivani."  He confirmed

"is she a doctor?"  I asked becoming oblivious.

"Yes. She is a doctor and that too topper. She is doing post graduation in Gynecology. If you want, we can fix your cousin's meeting with her."  he said.

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