Carter and Troy, Sleuths Extraordinair

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(Troy's POV)

Two weeks. Two WHOLE weeks, and Mars still hasn't returned to school. Ever since that party...we haven't seen him! I'm not allowed to visit him or call him on the phone. 

What EXACTLY happened?!

King Ben and Queen Mal told everyone Mars is fine, and just needs to recover. But if THAT'S the case, then why are they making sure no one can see him or even talk to him?

I stormed to the locker room. And I see someone who may shed a little light on this mystery. Carter De Vil.

"Hey, Carter." I stalk up to him.

Carter looked up from the fat book he was reading.

"Hmmm?" He blinked at me.

"Been a while since we hung out, My Main Man." I flattered him.

Carter gave me a deadpan look. 

"What do you want, Troy? I am more willing to help people who go straight to the point."

"Fine...what's up with Mars?" Straight to the point enough, Carter?

"I wanna know that too." Carter closed his book, giving me his full undivided attention.

"So, you don't know?" I thought he would since his grandma is close to the royals.

"Fairy Godmother may be my grandmother, but that doesn't mean I know state secrets."

"But you DO know there ARE state secrets."

"Of course. I asked her what was up with Mars after that party incident. She told me: 'That's classified information. But don't worry, he's fine.'"

Interesting. So something happened that they don't want the peasants to know about....

"We need to find out what happened exactly."

"I agree, but how do you plan on finding out? Visitors are not allowed."

"I think we need to recruit a certain little princess, who has a soft spot for our future king."

I wiggle my eyebrows.

(Carter's POV) 

Sigh. I don't see how Troy believes we're going to pull this off. Maybe Ella DOES know a secret passage into the castle, but how will we be able to find Mars before someone else finds us. 

Now if we knew some spells, maybe we could pull it off, but thanks to Auradon's "wise policies", we got nada.

"We're here!" Troy singsonged. He moored his boat in front of Cinderellasburg. I've been here a lot. Since my mom's side has so much history here. It's pretty nice, except for Prince Charlie, Prince Charming the 3rd. Arrogant and obnoxious. He's not liked by most. I'm glad Ella's not like him.

Really hope she can help us. 


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Author's Note: Troy Hook, Son of Harry and Uma; and Carter De Vil, Son of Carlos and Jane are in Cinderellasburg. Can Princess Ella, daughter of Chad and Audrey help them find a way to get to Mars?

And what's going on with Mars? What has he been doing in those two weeks?

Answers will be found in the next chapter. Please vote, comment, and share this chapter. Thank you!!! 🤗

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