A Grand Celebration for a Baby

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All of Auradon along with the newly united Isle of the Lost were celebrating. Finally, a symbol of the two monarchs that brought peace and forgivness, was born!

King Ben and Queen Mal's son was born three weeks ago. Prince Marcus. Already, his pictures were posted all over Auradon. He was the talk of the whole kingdom.

Everyone was cooing over the birth of Auradon's next king. 

And, in celebration, King Beast, the baby prince's grandfather was holding a christening party for his grandson.

Everyone was invited. And, by everyone, I mean all of Auradon!

Well....Auradon wasn't the whole world. For at the east border of Auradon lay a wall of thick thorns. Behind it lay the mysterious Moors. Home of all Fey Creatures...including Maleficent.

I know what you're thinking, Maleficent shrunk into a tiny lizard the size of her heart. And she did, but not anymore. For Diaval, her raven friend, found his mistress. He flew her as a lizard back to the Moors. There Maleficent regained a fierce love for her home, nature, and her people.

Naturally her heart grew and so did her form. She became a fairy once more. Also, long before Mal was born, the Dark Fey stole back Maleficent's wings from King Stephan. And they kept them, waiting for their queen's return.

Once she had returned to the moors, they were able to return her wings. Maleficent was once again Queen and Protector of the Moors.

She loved her kingdom and people once again, but she still harbored a bitter grudge against Auradon and its royalty. And she was patiently waiting for a chance to strike back at them.

Diaval, of course, regularly spied on Auradon and brought word back to Maleficent. 

So when Diaval had heard about the christening, he flew at once to report it to Maleficent.

"Well?" Maleficent questioned from her throne.

"There's been a birth." Diaval reported.

Maleficent raised her eyebrows.

"Your daughter...she and King Ben have had a child."

"Oh..." Maleficent frowned. She had seen her daughter's spouse once. The son of King Beast and Queen Belle. Never would she have approved of her daughter's choice. Not that Mal listened.

"There's to be a christening..." Diaval continued, feeling a big deja vu.

"Ah, let me guess, it's to be a GRAND celebration?" 

"Yes, Mistress."

"Hmmm. How wonderful."


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At the christening, the castle was packed with guests. 

King Ben and Queen Mal stood up front near their son's cradle. King Beast and Queen Belle stood at Ben's left side. Hades, Mal's father stood at her right side.

The guests were all there with gifts for the baby.

First came Evie and Doug. They both were dressed fabulously in Evie's tailored clothes. With them toddled two little girls, their daughters Darissa and Evangeline. 

"Hi, Mal." Evie smiled at her best friend. She and Doug gifted the Mal with some Evie-designed baby clothes.

"Awww. Evie! Thank you!" Mal said.

"Yes, thank you." Ben agreed, grinning.

Next, was Jay and Lonnie. Jay was carrying their daughter, Janessa. And Shang, their son was carrying the gift for the little prince. Lonnie was moving a little slower because she was four months pregnant with their third kid.

The gift was a toddler-sized tourney set.

"Wow! Thanks Jay." Ben says, chuckling at the gift. He couldn't wait to play Tourney with his son when Marcus was older.

Carlos and Jane came up. Mal was a little concerned because Jane was seven months pregnant. She should be at home resting, but Jane refused to miss this. Carlos was holding the gift, for the baby under one arm, and holding his son, Carter's hand in the other. 

They gave baby Marcus a large book of fairy tales.

"I look forward to reading those to him." Ben commented, smiling.

"Thank you, Carlos. Jane." Mal said.

Uma and Harry came up next. Uma was holding their newborn son, Troy, only a day older than Marcus. They gave the prince a pirate hat.

"He's gonna look wicked in that." Mal said, fistbumping Uma.

"Congrats on yer wee one, King Ben." Harry complimented.

"Thanks, Harry." Ben replied, warmly, "You too." 

Audrey and her husband, Chad, came up with their son, Charles. "Congratulations, Ben. Mal." Audrey said. Chad nodded, panting for breath. (He was carrying the gift and their kid.) They gave a large, lavish kid-sized desk for their son.

"Oh, thank you, Audrey." Mal said.

"I'm sure Marcus will love drawing at it." Ben said, admiring the present.

Gil and his wife, CJ Hook, came up next with their son, Gilbert. They gave a set of bow and arrows, plus a hunting knife for the kid.

"Wow. It looks cool, Gil." Ben said. 

Mal nodded in agreement. "Thanks, CJ."

King Beast looked uncomfortable at the presents, but didn't say a thing, knowing Gil had no wrong intentions.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. The party was going wonderfully. But, perhaps, they wouldn't have been so care-free if they knew who was watching from the shadows witn her pet raven.

Yes, Maleficent was there. No one knew she was. And she had a plan, and it would be bigger than her last christening incident...

 And she had a plan, and it would be bigger than her last christening incident

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Author's Note: SHE'S BAACCCCKKKK! Maleficent has returned to Auradon and is back with bigger plans and way more complications. What do you think she's going to do to her grandson, Prince Marcus? How will she do it? And what do you think of all the VKs and AKs having kids? Please vote, comment, and share this chapter thank you! 🤗

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