The Ballad of the Dragon and the Beastie

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One big dragon proud and free,

Thought she was happy as she could be.

Thought she was happy as she could be

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A little beastie came around, 

And turned her whole life upside down.

And turned her whole life upside down

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He made her laugh.

He made her laugh

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He made her cry.

She should've never said goodbye

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She should've never said goodbye.

And now she knows she could never part,

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And now she knows she could never part,

From the little beastie, who changed her heart

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From the little beastie, who changed her heart. 💜


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Author's Note: This is a prologue to my newest story that I just couldn't get out of my head. What if Mal and Ben's son is able to change Maleficent's vengeful, hardened heart. I hope you guys like this story. Please vote, comment, and share this story. Thank you! 🤗

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