Walking to School

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you wake up the next morning around 9 and go downstairs to make yourself breakfast you just throw some bread in the toaster and check you phone you notice that tommy has followed you and a few tommy and tubbo stans had as well. you have a couple of dms from stan accounts asking if you knew tommy irl and if you where his girlfriend and you can't help but laugh (no hate to stan accounts btw i have one i just thought this would be a nice part) your toast dings so you grab it and put on some peanut butter and i little bit of sugar and grab and wash a few raspberries to add on the side. as you eat you reply to a few dms from stans. once you're done you jump in the shower, you have school on tomorrow so you decide to shave your legs.
*time skip*
you check the time to see if tommy is streaming and see that he is so you go onto his stream and see his singing hamilton with wilbur and can't help but find it a little cute. you sing along because it's hamilton! and start packing your bag for school. you put in your notebooks and a hoodie because if you don't now you'll forget to later. you plug in your computer so it will be charged tomorrow and sit in bed and continue watching tommy's stream falling asleep before he's finished.
*next morning*
you wake up to a random stream playing and for a minute your very confused before you realize that you fell asleep to tommy's stream. you shut your laptop and go to the bathroom to hop in the shower, you wash up, straighten you hair and put on this

 you shut your laptop and go to the bathroom to hop in the shower, you wash up, straighten you hair and put on this

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since it's supposed to be a little on the chillier side today. you grab your bag and go downstairs to make lunch for your day. once your done you head out to start your walk to school. you get about halfway down the block when you hear someone yell your name from behind you. you stop because you know who's voice that is and turn to see tommy jogging up to you "h-h-hillo" he says you giggle because he's so awkward around woman
"hi tommy how are you?"
"oh i'm good, i'm good.... how are you y/n"
"i'm poggers" you say teasingly
"haha yea poggers" tommy says slowly "can i walk with you?"
you think about it for a minute because you and tommy have never really been close per say but he had always seemed like a pretty ok dude "sure you can"

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