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A girl with a (F/A) hoodie with a bucket on her head,lays in the closet rooms of the mall and passed out, it was night time around 7:00 at night everything was closed but of course (Y/n) didn't know that she was just in the closet passed out with a bucket on her head, after a few moments she began to slowly wake up "ugh my head..wait what happened to my head!?" She touched the bucket that was on her head then began to try an pull it off "how the hell did I get a bucket on my head!?" She yelled, after a few more hard tugs the bucket came off of her head she had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes along with some ripped up black jeans with (F/A) hoodie she got up to her feet and rubs her head "Man where am I?" The room around her was completely dark, she touched her hands around for a switch, she ended up finding the door knob and twisted it then popped open the door, her eyes was filled in shock it was night time no one was in the store and all the lights were off "Um, hello anyone?" She called, her voice echoed through the mall she starts to all around maybe even find the door and head straight back home she had homework and a dog to feed "hellooo? Anyone here?" She called again no answer "Maybe my phone works I can call Alex to pick me up!" You thought aloud to yourself, Alex was a really close friend of yours and always had your back but when you reached for your phone in your pocket and turned it on showed a dead battery sign ”damn it! I need to stop leaving my music app on!" You cursed yourself for listening to some good music that made your battery run low quick "sigh I might as well walk home from here or take the bus home" you shrugged and stuck your phone back into your pocket, but as you went to open the doors it was locked! "What? Why is it looked from the inside!? Oh God! I'm so dead did I set off any alarms!? Am I going to jail!? I'M TO YOUNG TO GO TO JAILLL!"  You said to yourself panicking "I know I can just.....stay here an hour until tommorow when the mall opens again then head straight home! I hope chocolate doesn't destroy the house" you said with a sigh. You started walking away from the mall entrance but then a once was entrance exploded causing you to jump and trip on your own feet, you coughed and fanned the smoke away "the hell?" You said aloud to yourself there, in front of the entrance were a group of guys laughing their heads off "GREETINGS SWEET JAZZ MALL! WE ARE HERE TO ROB YOU BLIND!" 'this can't be good' you thought

"Mall robbery" Epithet erased x reader Where stories live. Discover now