Chapter 12: Final battle

Start from the beginning

Naruto: They were working on a dangerous virus called, the T-Virus. I lived in the Hive while my mother comes to see me every day. Everything was okay, but there was an incident. The virus escaped and everybody died. 

Alice: Trouble was, they didn't stay dead. 

Naruto: The T-virus reanimated their bodies, turning them into the undead. A team was sent there to see what has happened, but they walked into a deadly situation. 

Alice: But we survived. Ourselves and two others. An environmentalist named Matt and a soldier name Rain. When we emerged, we were seized by Umbrella Scientists. We were separated from Matt. 

Alice: We thought we had survived the horror. 

Both: But we were wrong.

They tell the whole story about Umbrella causing the outbreak in the city. Everything that has happened. And as they talk, they look up in the air and the helicopter coming. They make it to city hall without trouble. Naruto looks up, and sees the helicopter landing on the rooftop. They all walk into the building, and head upstairs. Carlos looks around, and spots the guards. He looks at everyone as Adam and Alice help Angie into the window. 

Carlos: Let's go. 

Billy: Alright, we need to take these guys down quietly. 

Naruto looks up at one of the towers, and spots a sniper. He cracks his neck a little, and he and his mother quickly go up there to take him down. After running up for a few minutes, they see the sniper preparing to fire at their friends. Naruto blocks the scope. The sniper sees this, and looks up to see Naruto, smirking at him. 

Naruto: Hi. 

Naruto quickly slams his fist into the sniper's face, knocking him cold. Alice sees this, and smiles. 

Alice: That's my boy. 

Naruto smiles back at her. 

Kurama's voice: Hey, kit. Did you know you can also walk on walls?

Naruto likes this idea. He walks up to the ledge, and calmly walks on it. Alice watches with shock. Naruto then starts running down the wall, where the rest of the guards are at. Alice quickly gets a zip-line ready, and she joins in. Naruto lands on the ground, in the middle of the guards. One of them turns around, and sees him. Naruto kicks him in the face. He then grabs another one, and snaps his neck. Another guard tries to shoot him, but Naruto knocks his gun away, and Naruto quickly spin kicks him in the face. Alice then comes down, unzips herself from the line, and joins the fight. A guard pulls out a knife, and cuts Alice's shirt as she dodges him. She kicks the knife out of his hand, catches it, and stabs him in his neck. He groans, and falls down dead. She picks up a rope, and throws it at another guard's neck. He chokes, and she stabs him in his chest. She throws him away behind her. Naruto takes the knife from her, and throws it at the guard's neck as he gets up, and he falls down dead. Naruto looks at the guards by the helicopter, and runs at them. Naruto charges, and jump flips. He kicks one of them in the chest, sending him flying. Naruto then grabs another guard with his legs, and pulls him down on the ground. He gets back up, and twists his legs, snapping the guard's neck. 

Naruto: Ha! 

Naruto takes out a staff, and uses it to fight the rest of the guards. The guards also take out some staffs to fight with. Alice joins in to help Naruto. She picks up a staff, and they both fight the guards. The guards fought hard, but Naruto and his mother are very good. Alice knocks down a guard as Naruto knocks the staff out of the other guard's hand, and slams his staff into the guard's helmet, shattering the visor. They both look around for more of them, but don't see anything as the group comes to them. Naruto and Alice drop the staffs, and walk to the others. Suddenly, Carlos takes out his knife, and throws it at something behind them. They both turn around, and see the guard that Alice knock down got back up. He has Carlos' knife in his neck, and he falls down dead. Alice looks at Carlos. 

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