Chapter Six

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I opened the door and Max was standing there with black eyes. I gulped and took a step back. His eyes shot to my wound and his eyes grew even darker if that's possible. I put my hand on his arm and pull him inside he seemed to calm down a little at my touch. Once the door is closed he wraps his arms around me and burrows his head into the other side of my neck and inhales my scent. After a couple minutes like that he raises his head and I can see his beautiful green eyes. I cup his face and press my forehead to his.

"Are you ok?" He asks me softly. "I was so worried for you."

"I'm fine, I'll be all healed up by tomorrow. That is normal."

"I don't like it. And why didn't you tell me who you were."

"Would you have accepted me? You said we couldn't be together if I was with her... now that I am her can you accept it?"

He was hesitant about answering. I can see the conflict in his eyes he wants to say yes but he knows I won't join his pack. It'll be very difficult for us to be together.

"I- of course I accept it but... I don't know what to do. If my Alpha finds out that I knew and didn't tell him I'll be banned or killed. All the packs in the area are looking for you. They think you're trying to start a war."

"If he even so much as tries to hurt you there WILL be a war." I growl out lowly. "But I'm not trying to start one unless I have to, if the Elders remember the rogues used to be Wild, it's my job to put them in their place and keep them from going Wild. Wolves are meant to have a leader an Alpha, I'm their Alpha but I keep a very loose leash on them. I put them in their place but I let them roam free and do what they want as long as they don't go Wild. That's the purpose of the Rogue Alpha, yes they follow me and protect me and they will fight if I ask them to but they are free. I won't force them to fight they choose to fight out of respect for who I am and what I do. I am the most powerful wolf, no Alpha has as many wolves behind them as I do and that scares them. But I will not start a war... I will finish it." I say boldly looking him in the eyes. I can see the respect in his eyes.

"What if we explain this to them? One Alpha at a time, let them know what you're doing. They all think you're bringing rogue wolves together to start a war and that this has been happening for generations."

"This could work but their pride may get in the way. They all want to be the top pack and even though we are rogues, there is an Alpha, a Beta, and a top Warrior. We are a pack just not a real one." Which is true we have a pack structure but we don't live together and the Council never appointed us as a pack.

"I'll talk to my Alpha, and have him meet you at the Alpha's Table. In wolf form, we can say that you are with the Rogue Alpha and she wants to meet him to explain." He says grinning and I can see the wheels turning in his head. But if this doesn't work and he tries to kill me or bring in the Council this would mean war. He kissed my forehead and ran out the door. I need a back up plan. I ran to the forest and shifted. I let out a loud howl for Tobias and Anika, I waited for them in a small clearing in the middle of the forest... I still don't trust her. I only had to wait a couple minutes before they came running up, as they approached they bowed their head.

"Tobias, Anika thank you for meeting with me. Mate knows who I am and I explained what my goal is and what I do. He wants his Alpha to meet with me at the Alpha's Table to see if we can come to an understanding and hopefully he can help us. He's going to say his Mate is apart of my "pack" and I wish to meet him to explain what I am doing. If this works we can try to explain this to all the packs and the Council, however if this doesn't we need a backup plan." I was pacing back and forth thinking of all the worst case scenarios. If they kill me I don't have an heir and all the rogues will go Wild. All the hard work my family did for nothing all because I have a Mate who is in a pack. If I didn't have him this war would be easily won if they started one, Tobias and Anika have been training everyone plus we don't have to follow any laws.

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