Chapter Eighteen

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When I woke up it was still dark outside. I got up and headed to the bathroom, I took a shower and got out to get dressed. Max was still sleeping of course I roll my eyes laughing. Then Star spoke.

"There's something you should know." She said softly.

"What is it Star?" I ask worried.

"I'm not 100% what's going to happen... but if we win this war something big is going to happen. To Cassie."

"What's going to happen? And how do you know?"

"Selene the Moon Goddess spoke to me last night. She was very cryptic and wouldn't outright say what it is. Just in case I'm wrong I don't want to say just yet. Just... make sure you win." She says almost sadly before disappearing.

That's weird... what's going to happen? Why Cassie? I have so many questions but I know Star won't say. I sigh as I head downstairs. Because I'm Alpha I have the biggest suit at the very top. There's an entire west wing closed off for me, Cassie, Emma, Tobias, and Anika. We all have the biggest rooms, mine the biggest of all. There's a double door at the end of the hallway that's always locked only we have the keys, in case we need to get to the pack members on the other side. We also have a private kitchen and a personal chef. As well as a private elevator that requires a key and a code that changes every two hours.

I get to our private elevators and wait for it, as I do Tobias comes out of his room and heads to me.

"Hey. Good morning." He smiles at me.

"Good morning." I smile back and gives him a side hug. As the elevator doors open we step in. I put the code in and use the key pressing the bottom floor button.

"How did you sleep?" He asks.

"Alright, worried about later." I sigh wondering if I should tell him what Star said.

"Same... Anika seems distant I'm not sure what's wrong with her." He groans.

"Do you want me to talk to her? She can't be cheating you would feel it." I say. When a mate cheats even just a kiss their other half feels pain wherever the cheating is happening. If it's a kiss on the lips, we feel pain on the lips, the neck we feel it there. If it's emotional we feel it in our hearts.

"No no it's fine, she'll tell me when she's ready. So what's the plan for the day?" The doors open and we step out.

"Make sure everyone gets something to eat. Then gather everyone in the the training fields and we'll all train for a few hours. Stop for lunch then everyone prepare for war. Bring the kids, the trainees, and the 20 warriors to the bunker and make sure it's well stocked. Once it's locked only I will have the code. The rest of us will head to the field and pray." I say as we walk to the main dining hall. I open the doors and see everyone eating, it's different no one is talking. There are a few whispers but that's it. I go to the front and stand on a chair. I get everyone attention and relate the plan to them.

"Alright... once you're done eating head to the training field. We're going to practice two hours in wolf form and two hours in human form. Anyone who doesn't pass will go to the bunker. Tobias, Anika, Nadia, and I will be walking around evaluating everyone. It's time to prepare for war." I get down and head to the training field with Tobias, Anika, and Nadia on my tail.

We spend the next four hours training... harder then we've ever trained before. Luckily we've only had to bench a handful of people, and we chose the 20 to stay behind. After training we stopped for lunch eating small so there's no issues later in the evening. We brought the kids, Emma and Cassie, the few people we benched and the 20 guards to the underground bunker. I made sure there's a week worth of food in there, if no one unlocks the door before the week is up it unlocks automatically. There were a lot of sad goodbyes. Emma and Cassie didn't show any emotion, they're the future leaders they can't. Max and I hugged them both and said our goodbyes. I closed and locked the door. It's bulletproof, bomb proof, and werewolf proof. It's the strongest most protected door in the land.

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