Chapter Two

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As soon as I see the wolf I growl and pounce on him gripping him by the throat with my teeth. He immediately submits to me and I slowly get off growling at him.

"Where the hell have you been Tobias!!" I scream at him. For some reason I've always been able to mindlink any wolf, and once I open the connection they can mindlink me as well but once I close it they can't.

"I've been out recruiting. I heard of a small pack of rogues about an hour from here so I decided to ask them to join. I apologize for not letting you know." He responds still in submission. I back away and sit down as he sits in front of me.

"You better have found worthy recruits. It's difficult feeding this many wolves alone." I have small rogue packs all over within a hundred mile radius of the pond.

"They are very good and they will help feed the others as well. I actually brought them with me... they're about ten miles from us. I haven't told them about the pond." He responds nervous for my reaction.

"Hope you weren't followed this place is the only good hiding spot." I growl out. If he was followed I swear I will kill him and the new recruits.

"I wasn't I promise." He promises. I huff and stand up walking towards to exit.

"Well lets go meet them." He stands up with me and follows me out. We do a quick survey to see if anyone is near by then bolt out. He leads me to where the recruits are. When we get there they all start growling. There's five of them. I growl back and push my ears back. Tobias sits there knowing I need to show them who's the Alpha. They all attack me at once and I fight back. One of them aims for my throat and I bite her muzzle before she gets close then I kick another who is sneaking up from behind and he whimpers. This goes on for a while I try to end it quickly so no one hears us but they keep going at it. I then find the "leader" of their pack and I jump on his my teeth sink into his neck and he lets out a whimper as he struggles to get loose. The other stop and growl at me not wanting to attack and hurt their leader.

"SUBMIT!" My voice booms into his head as I growl and glare at him pressing harder. He struggles some more before submitting to me. And I slowly let go. Growling at the others who also submit to me.

"I am the Alpha here not you." I growl out looking at all of them. "Next time I will not show mercy. Now Tobias said you are willing to help me feed the others is this still correct?" I ask looking at them. They nod their heads. "Good, I have over two thousand wolves within a hundred mile radius. There are hundreds of small packs from two to ten wolves in each. The bigger the pack the more and bigger prey they get. Some of them do hunt on their own. And sometimes their packs get smaller. Visit the pack first see how many there are and if they hunted themselves then feed them. Make sure you give them enough for a week or two. I will have a reward for you when you return. I will need to mark you so they know you work directly with me." After I say this I go around and bite their ears hard putting a hole in them similar to mine.

"Tobias will show you where you can camp. When you have shown me I can trust you, which won't be for a long time, I will let you into my camp, until then get comfortable." I growl at them and then nod to Tobias. I walk back to the pond knowing Tobias will explain further. On the way back I hear a small voice yelling in the distance. Curious I follow the voice until I reach the little girl I saw earlier she squeals and runs towards me wrapping her arms around my neck. I hear other wolves near by and my ears perk up high alert. It's a trap.

"Tobias do not come back to the pond until I say, there are wolves from the near by pack lurking." After I say that I close the connection. I'll play their little game... for now. I lay down and get comfortable as the little girl climbs on me. I lay my head down and act like I'm falling asleep as they get closer. Then I smell it. Mate! I lift my head up and my eyes meet his. He's shifted and only wearing shorts again. The others are still in their wolf forms.

"I won't hurt you I promise." He says to me as I eye him carefully. I lay my head back down keeping an eye on him. Suddenly the little girl pulls on my ear and I yelp. The other wolves jump out immediately growling and the little girl gets scared and starts to cry. I whimper and lick her cheek trying to calm her down.

"Tobias, when I say take the girl and go to the pond." I hear him huff in response. I circle the girl slowly eyeing the wolves. When he gets close enough I jump over them and bite one of the she-wolves tails. She yelps and turns around growling. I snap at her then run away heading towards their land. They follow me angry I attacked their own. I notice mate shifted and joins in growling at whoever snaps at me.

"Get the girl." I tell Tobias as I lead them away. Then I quickly stop and turn around right before I reach the boarder. I'm surrounded by wolves, but I've been in worse situations. I see mate at the front and I walk towards him slowly. When I reach him I lick his muzzle and rub up against him. He licks my ear. Then I hear Tobias howl. He got her. I lick him again before jumping over them and bolting away at full speed. As far as I know I'm the fastest wolf, no one has ever been able to catch up to me. I dive under the tree and crawl until I reach the pond where I see Tobias and the little girl, who squeals when she sees me and runs over.

"Hello little one." I chuckle as she looks surprised that I talked to her.

"Hi wolfy!" She hugs me and leans against me as I lie down. Tobias a few feet away watching us.

"I hope he was nice to you?" I ask her as I rub my head against hers. She giggled and nods her head. Then she gets up and runs towards the pond. I follow her and lay at the edge watching her splash around getting her pretty yellow dress wet. A group of wolves howl near by and I know they realized she was missing.

"You need to go back now little one." I tell her softly as I gently grab the back of her dress pulling her out of the water.

"But I don't wanna!" She pouts looking at me. I chuckle as I set her down and lick her cheek.

"You can always come back to visit me. But you must keep it a secret. When ever you want to come back just shout out "Star" and one of us will come get you." She nods her head and I crouch down for her to climb on my back. I run out after making sure no wolves are in the area.  When I get to the boarder I set her down and watch her walk over. Then I howl loudly getting the pack members attention before running back to the pond.

I get back and Tobias is staring at me. I roll my eyes knowing what he's thinking and flop down next to him. I fall asleep quickly dreaming of a red wolf.

I am so sorry that fight scene was horrible! I'm not that good at them. Tell me what you think so far! Anything I should change or add. Comment your ideas I accept all criticism!

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