Teaser Trailer

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??: Detective Y/n, we need your help

Y/n: with what?
??: My name is Sara, you'll be helping me with the case

Y/n: what case? A murder? Someone missing?

Sara: someone missing
??: You and Sar are going to a town called Silent Hill

Y/n: the fuck?
Sara: holy shit it's all fog

Y/n: what's all this stuff falling out of the sky?

Sara: who knows, let's just find the missing child
Y/n: excuse me sir? Have you seen this kid?

??: It's coming for you *shows crazy smile*

Y/n: what is?
Y/n: *Aims gun* put down the damn knife!

Y/n: what is?--------------------------------------Y/n: *Aims gun* put down the damn knife!

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Y/n:*slowly widen eyes*
Sara: Y/n! Come on!

Y/n: what the fuck is going on?!

Sara: I don't know! Let's get going!
Y/n: I never thought this would happen, se crazy monsters coming after us. Let it be a dre-*hears a siren*

Sara: oh God.... Not again
Y/n: Sara?! Where are you!?

Y/n: oh shit....
Y/n: I'm not sure if it's possible to get out.... I can only pray now

*Hope you like the teaser of this story. And uh, I hope you don't get any nightmares. Goodnight and peace out*

Insanity (Silent Hill X Male Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now