Chapter 13: End of a Cult

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After I met with the girl, she and I made a deal. To stop this Cult and end this nightmare once and for all. But first, I needed to save Sara and Sharon. They're my main priority.

With me entering the streets, everything was normal. Well, I wouldn't consider falling ashes and fogginess normal. I was so determined to leave this place but I wasn't gonna get out alone. While I was roaming the streets, following the signs to the Church, my radio on my hip that I found was showing signs of static, which left me confused until I saw those things that spray those black substance.

 While I was roaming the streets, following the signs to the Church, my radio on my hip that I found was showing signs of static, which left me confused until I saw those things that spray those black substance

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I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared because I am. My heart was beating fast and while I held my gun up, my hands were shaking but then a voice whispered in my head, telling me to keep calm and to focus. I closed my eyes and waited for the right moment. As soon as I heard it was gonna spit at me, I opened my eyes and started shooting at the creature. And with my last bullet, it died with a headshot.
Timeskip:{2 hours later}

Finally arrived at the church, getting past any monsters. These dogs looking things wouldn't die for sure but I managed. While I hear chanting and yelling inside the church, I approached the doors and kicked it down, silencing the room as some of them looks scared.


Y/n:"oh God, what the hell is this?"

Priest:"Officer, I see you ret-"

Y/n:"Fuck you, you and your Cult left me to die!"

Priest:"what?! How dare you lie in the House of God!!"

Y/n:"you and your band of assholes are going down! And what you all did to that little girl, you will all burn for it."

I started walking towards them, but some of these Follower's tried getting in my way but I push them off me, still walking towards the Priest.

Y/n:"you think your action is justified but you damned these people to Hell-"

Priest:"I saved our people here, it was God's demand!"

Y/n:"well guess what fuck face, God is not here!"

The Priest then pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the neck, making me cough out blood and fall on my knees. I was gasping for air and I could just hear Sara calling out to me and Sharon crying as well, trying to break free from the captives.... My life flashed before my eyes but then a whisper spoke in my head, it was Alessa herself.

Alessa:"your time isn't up yet, y/n-"

I don't know if I was dreaming or something but then out of nowhere, black substances were instantly dripping onto the floor from my neck. I wouldn't say that it was dripping, it was pouring out of my neck and I knew it wasn't mine as well. The Priest and his followers saw me then slowly stand up.

Priest:"you fool, what have you done?!"

I looked at my hand and also saw that my wound was healed, I guess Alessa really kept her promise. And the floor was starting to open up and the lights in the church were out. It was complete darkness in here except they had flashlights on. Suddenly, barbed wires sprung out of the floor behind me and those followers were screaming and trying to run outside but the doors were locked, I guess that was Alessa's doing as well.

Priest:"you let the darkness in!!"

I just stood there with a small smile with my eyes dark and my skin pale, scaring the priest and the barb wires grabbed the priest and lifted him up in the air.

I just stood there with a small smile with my eyes dark and my skin pale, scaring the priest and the barb wires grabbed the priest and lifted him up in the air

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I looked behind me and saw her again. The girl who was burned alive... And I couldn't help but feel sorry. She allowed me to free the hostages and I took that chance. I made my way to Sharon and Sara.

By the time I made my way up the second floor of the church, some old man tried stabbing me but I quickly knocked the knife out of his hand, planting the barrel of my gun underneath his chin and pulling the trigger which scared Sharon.

Y/n:"hey, you both alright?"

Sara:"y-yeah, these people would've burned us alive!"

Y/n:"they were gonna do that?"

I freed both Sharon and Sara and held them close in a corner, letting the chaos happen throughout the Church

Y/n:"both of you, close your eyes. Shut your eyes-"

Sara covered Sharon's eyes while I covered them both with my arms, repeating the same words over and over again. I didn't want them to see the massacre that was happening. It didn't help the fact that they screams echoed inside the Church.
Timeskip:{1 hour later}

Silence filled the building.... I open my eyes slowly and look at Sara and Sharon which they also open their eyes.

Sharon:"i-is it over..?"

Y/n:"I... Think so. Come on.. we gotta go now."

Sara:"y/n..? How are you... Alive?"

Y/n:"I'll uhm, answer that another time."

Sara nods and we all got up, the doors were open and ashes no longer fell down from the sky and it was somewhat more clearly from the fog. Time passed by and we made it to the car but as we looked behind it, the bridge was back. Me and Sara knew the car wouldn't start so we had no choice but to walk. Alessa helped me and in return, I help her. We both got what we wanted and I won't forget that.
Chapter 14: Epilogue (coming soon)

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