"I'm serious Autumn" Kate gave the girl one last glare

"Go ahead, but make sure you take those clothes in there with you to be safe" Autumn smirked

Kate raised a brow at the girl, but her hands gripped her clothes just to be safe, taking them away with her into the bathroom and locking the door

It was only then did Kate finally release a breath she had been holding in, the back of her head pressed against the door as she panted for breath, the sound of her heavy breathing filling the bathroom

The hot water filled the room, quickly fogging up the clear glass and turning it to mist, allowing the droplets of water to make its own rundown patterns like rain and fall to the bottom

Sure she was annoyed at the fact that the girl was in her room without permission, her room wasn't a park you could walk in or out anytime you felt

The running water ran across the girl's smooth skin, bathing the tension in her muscles and releasing them

The heat of the water wasn't the only thing burning Kate's body, her face was red and her core throbbed slightly from the image of Autumn's half naked body on her bed, the sinister smirk on her face and inviting eyes

It was enough to throw anyone over the edge, there was just something about the way she looked tonight that made Kate's head spin

But she knew she needed to get herself under control, her eyes needed to be focused on completing their stupid deal and just learning about each other

As Kate threw on a few pieces of clothing and ran her towel through her hair, she couldn't help but wonder if the girl actually listened for once in her life and left the room

When she was dressed, Kate's hands gripped the doorknob, barley pushing the door open so there a crack was visible. Her eyes poked through the crack to see nothing.

Autumn was fine from her bed and a smile finally crept its way onto her face as she opened the door fully, making her way over to the bed

"You thought you'd see the last of me" A voice snickered

Kate stumbled once again and fell flat on her ass at the sudden voice, her face instantly filled red and her neck snapped around to see Autumn holding behind the bathroom door

"It's funny how you're always falling for me. Literally" Autumn chuckled

"Shut up" Kate groaned as she pulled herself up

"Anyways, let's start because I need to use my Car tomorrow and there's no way May's gonna let me if I don't at least know your mother's name" Autumn said as she made her way over to the bed, her knees denting into the cushions

"Alright, let's do this" Kate mumbled as she joined the girl on the bed

Autumn pressed her back against the headboard, the pillows behind her cushioned her soft body, she smiled and her hands found the familiar teddy bear

"Where did you grow up?" Kate asked

"I wouldn't say I had the chance to grow, but I lived in Florida when I was born. After my parents auditioned me for child films, we were constantly travelling, it was never permanent. Hotels were mainly my things" the blue eye girl said

"Oh, that sounds.."

"Sad, yeah I know. Did you live here all of your life?" She asked

"Yes actually, my entire family was born here and they never planned on traveling. The furthest I've ever travelled is from my apartment to here" Kate chuckled

"Now that's just depressing, honestly" Autumn said sternly

"I can't argue because it's kinda true. Do you live travelling?"

"When you're travelling almost every single day for twenty years, you get tired of it after a while"

"I forgot you were twenty" Kate mumbled

"Does that scare you?" she asked, the brunette raised a brow

"Why would that scare me?" She questioned, Autumn shook her head

"Don't worry about it" the raven hair girl mumbled


"do you have any family that still breathes?" Autumn asked

"What the-"


"That's... Mean.. Ish? But yes I do, my mother. I actually haven't heard from her in a long time, I try to talk to her but she doesn't answer. When I visit, she's never at home. It's weird" Kate said, the actress tilted her head to the side

"And father?" she asked

"oh.. We don't... Talk about him" Kate muttered

"You're an only child?"

"No, I had a sister. But unfortunately she um, passed away a few years ago" she said

"Oh.. Um, that must be.. Tough" Autumn mumbled, her soft blue eyes glancing in the girl's direction
"I don't know how to comfort people"

"That's okay, I've gotten to the point where I can talk about her without wanting to breakdown" Kate chuckled

"That sounds depres-"

"Alright, my life is sad. We get it" Kate giggled
"What about your parents?"

"We share the same blood but I don't call them my family"

"That's.. Sad"

"It is. But everything has a reason, unless you're the employee at Netflix helping cancel Atypical. Like, what the FUCK was the reason! What was the reason!"

"Netflix really cancelled Atypical but has the audacity to fund a movie about kidnapping and sexual assault. I can't even-" Kate rolled her eyes

"Yeah Netflix. Square up. Explain this bullshit"

"How did we end up talking about Netflix?" Kate chuckled

"I don't know, Sarah's sleepy and pissed at the same time so she's going to bed and the chapter ends here even though it's like 5am her time"

"You know what that is?" Kate asked


"That's sad"

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