12: Making Plans

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"I would've hated to have to kill you."

She laughed. "Well look at us now. You went from planning to lure me into a trap and possibly killing me to being my friend. Now that's a story you don't hear everyday."

"Definitely not."

They continued to chat while following Devonte and Lorenzo until they stepped into one of the meeting rooms. All the information they had already obtained was stuck up on the walls and portable drawing boards so that it was clear and accessible. There was a large oval table in the centre of the room with several chairs around it. There were a few other crew members already seated, typing away on their computers or sorting through paperwork. Von took a seat at the head of the table and the others followed suit, sitting at the sides. Lorenzo grabbed his laptop and pulled up some new information some of the tech guys had found that would be useful to the end goal.

"This video here shows what happened to Miss Romano the day she was shot. Clearly they had no idea there were cameras but they were smart enough to put fake plates on."

Devonte, Jordan and Angelica watched the video closely. It was shocking to see just how quickly it happened. The sight made Von's blood boil. He needed to know who did.

"Please tell me you know how did it Lorenzo."

"Well boss it was difficult since they used the fake plates, but you know how our tech team is. They were able to trace the car back to a guy named Tony Waters."

Devonte frowned. "So he did it?"

"That's where we're lost boss. They searched deeply and discovered that the man identified as Tony Waters was at a hospital during that same time period, so it doesn't match at all." Lorenzo pushed a few buttons and showed his boss a surveillance video from the hospital. "See."

A deep frown formed on Devonte's face as he watched the video, confirming that Tony indeed was at the hospital in that time frame. It seemed as though he was getting his broken nose treated to - and yes, that damage had all been done by Gianna.

"If it wasn't him then could it be one of the other guys?" Angelica asked.

"Quite possibly." Lorenzo replied and skipped forward in the video a bit. "Watch here though. He gets a phone call but pay attention to the fact that he steps well away from everyone else and keeps looking around to make sure no one is coming near him. We don't have the number so tracing it is impossible."


"Actually you do have the number." Angelica said matter of factly and dug her phone out of her purse before sliding it over to Lorenzo. "You forget that Greg was friends with him and that I know the dude personally. He'd never change his number, I know that for sure. Find his name in my contacts."

"Lorenzo take that to the tech boys, tell them to trace that shit back as quick as they can."

"Right away boss."

Lorenzo grabbed the phone and scurried off, leaving Devonte, Jordan and Angelica on their own.

"As for us, we need to make a plan."

"I already got some ideas bro." Jordan smirked evilly, proving there was a cold and ruthless side to him.

"Lay it out man."


_ _ _

Gianna sat in her final class for the day. Boredom had completely taken over her body as the minutes ticked by slowly. They had a substitute lecturer and he spoke so monotone which had her totally rethinking even coming into class - she knew she could've been handling important business with Devonte and the others instead of sitting through this. It had been too late to leave though, so she was slowly counting down the mintiest until she could leave. Twenty to go.

Perfect Fit | August AlsinaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang