But this time she stood where she was. So my face was almost right in front of hers. She was angry. She looked cute. 

"No. I would never in my life want a stuck up asshole like you. You know, people like you are the ones who although they have everything, they're lives are long, miserable and sad. You don't have anything in your life and you feel empty all the damn time. All you have is sex, money and weed. What are you going to do once that's allll gone? " She preached.

She was sooo fucking attractive I completely zoned out. Nah not attractive she was fucking sexy as hell. Her lips were so.. so.. whats the word..

"Excuse me?" She says. "I can hear you. "


She shakes her head before opening her car door and driving off.

Wait no-

"WAITT!" I scream calling after her. 

But she was gone.

Who the hell did she think she was? Rejecting the motherfucking Drizzy Drake?? I WAS the shit. Well she was missing about. Who needs her- 

"Nice jacket man." A heavy voice says behind me. 

I turn around and there 3 guys behind me. 

"Fuck off." I spat still upset.

I turn around and,

oh fuck

Beth's P.O.V 

I drove away.

"WAIT" I hear him call. 

What a rude asshole. I NEVER wanted to see him again..

Although he deserved it. I felt bad. 

He was in the middle of the streets. High as fuck, judging by the red eyes... Not to mention in L.A... anything could happen. but he was close to the strip club...

I reached my apartment. But I couldn't get out of the car. I sighed.

I knew better than anyone else how dangerous these streets were.

"Oh bethany.." I say to myself while turning the car around.

I drive back to the place I had parked my car. 

Oh no. 

I quickly parked my car and got out. 

Drake what did you do??? 

He was being beat by 3 guys. I run to them.

"NO STOP!" I yell.

Smart move dumb ass, I thought. But it had been my first reaction. 

They look at me.


"What do we have here..?" One of them says walking towards me. I take a step back as he comes closer.

"L-leave him alone!" I say looking at them. They all look at each other before smirking. 

"Look I don't have money but-" 

Before I can react the guy in front of me punches me. I fall to the floor holding my jaw never in a million years thinking that would have happened.

"Whore! Thinkin' we gonna sleep with yo nasty, useless ass, bitch!" One of them yells at me before kicking my side. 

I groan.

"I know you, esmeralda!" 

"Ya wanna dance for me baby?" 

I wince in pain. The words hurt but I've gotten used to them. They start walking towards Drake again. One of them pulls out a gun. I react quickly getting up before reaching into my car and grabbing my wallet.


They turn towards me again. I throw them the 2000 dollars I made from a couple of days. The bills fall everywhere.

"Now leave him alone!" 

The men quickly gather the money. One of them walks towards me. I try to scoot away but I can't.


He grabs my hair and makes me look at him. His hands go up my thigh and I clench my jaw. He forces me to kiss him before throwing me to the floor.

"Slut." He spat before him and his friends run away. 

I hold back tears before quickly trying to walk to Drake. I fall midway and crawl towards him.

He's pretty beat up. His jaw was purple and bleeding. So was his right eye. He had a cut lip and he had a lot of blood on his face. 

I teared up just looking at him.

"Oh no." I say while touching his red, swollen cheek.

His eye's flutter open. He tries to talk but he can't. 

That broke me.

But it shouldn't have...

But it did.


I gather all my strength and help him up ignoring the pain. All his weight leaning on me. I help him into my car and I drive off towards my apartment. 



Practice *Aubrey Drake Graham*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن