Chapter 6

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I wake up in the middle of the night to screaming. I grab my wand and sit upright, ready to attack any intruder. I look around for any sign of an attacker and it takes me a good few moments to realise that its only Jamie crying from his cot in the corner.


I look over to Malfoy thinking he'll know what to do, he always does. But he's tossing and turning in his own bed, fighting off some invisible nightmare monster.


I know how bad the nightmares can be. Since the war I've had them most nights. I gently walk over to Malfoy, leaving Jamie to cry for now and begin speaking softly in what I hope is a reassuring tone.


"Hey Malfoy, wake up. It's ok, it's not real."


I try gently shaking his shoulders, not knowing how else to wake him. He wakes with a start and then in some sort of misguided attempt to defend himself, drags me off my feet and I end up basically lying on top of him.


"Potter?" he says, clearly still confused and sleepy. "What the hell are you doing on top of me?"


I stumble to my feet, desperate to get myself out of that situation. I know I'm blushing and I just hope its too dark for him to see.


"Sorry Malfoy... you were having a nightmare and I wanted to help..."


"By lying yourself down on top of me?" he interrupts.


"Hey actually you dragged me onto you, I didn't get a say in it at all!"


"Sure Potter, whatever you say," he taunts, sarcasm dripping off his voice.


I'm not exactly comfortable with this conversation but if that's what it takes to distract him from his nightmare than I don't mind, I guess.


"What the hell is that noise?" he says, reminding me of our screaming baby which I'd kind of tuned out.


I feel bad for forgetting about him so head over to check on him. His checks are red from screaming and his eyes are rimmed with red. I pick him up and just hold him in my arms, whispering softly to him. I slowly pace the room, hoping the movement will calm him/


While I'm doing this, Malfoy somehow manages drags himself out of bed and wordlessly begins preparing a bottle. He hands it to me a couple minutes later, and I sit on the bed and slowly feed Jamie. The blonde boy then slumps back onto his bed, thinking his job was done.


"Hey Malfoy, don't you dare go back to sleep and leave me in charge of babysitting."


"Ugghhh," he sighs before rolling over and completely ignoring me. I decide to let him rest, he can't have slept well so far and he did prepare the bottle for us.


"Hey little Jamie, that over there, the big lump sleeping in the corner, that's grumpy daddy. I'll tell you now he's going to be the strict, miserable one. Watch out for him, he doesn't like any kind of fun."


"Potterrrrr, I can still hear youuu." He sings, making me start. "Please stooop making our baby hate meeee."


"Sorry Jamie, grumpy daddy didn't like that too much," I continue before noticing how he was beginning to fall asleep in my arms. I wait a few minutes before painstaking tiptoeing over to place him down in the cot.


Once I'm sure both he and Malfoy are firmly asleep. I collapse onto my own bed, ready to enjoy whatever sleep I'm able to get before the screaming wakes me again

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