Chapter 2

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"Malfoy?!" I practically scream, jumping out of my seat. The entire class turn around to look at us and I see McGonagall peering over her glasses, watching the commotion. Desperately I search the classroom, looking for anyone, anyone without a partner. It's just my luck that every other single person in the room is already paired up and sat down contently with their partners that they can actually stand.

"Mr Potter, please sit back down or I will not be afraid to take house points."

Without any other choice, I slink back into my seat; childishly looking away from my new partner/roommate.

"Now that you all have a partner; I will begin assigning rooms and your fake babies. I will however warn you to not get too attached to your doll. They will be enchanted to look like a genetic offspring, showing characteristics of you and your partner to help encourage a stronger parental bond. Remember that although you must treat them as such, they are not real and you will only have them for a month. You may have a couple minutes to talk to your partner as I visit each pair and distribute the dolls."

At this the whole classroom becomes abuzz with excited chatter and plans for the next month. Our desk, however, remained stubbornly silent. We both sit this way, avoiding any eye contact or conversation until McGonagall finally reaches us. I had been watching as the rest of the class received their babies. I'd watched Ron and Hermione gain a little ginger girl with frizzy hair. I'd watched Ginny and Luna coo over a small blonde girl with sharp eyes.

Now it was our turn. My eyes followed McGonagall as she walked the room a small bundle in her arms.

"Well I have to admit this certainly is an unlikely pair. But I trust you will be able to put all of your petty feuds behind you and behave like adults. Here's your baby, please be careful." She said, handing me the bundle and suddenly it's there, in my arms. Malfoy had turned around to listen to McGonagall speak and now sat facing me, but still refusing to look at my face.

We both stare in awe at the little baby boy in my arms. His hair, blonde as snow, undeniably Malfoy. And his eyes, a bright emerald green. My whole life, everyone told me that I had my mother's eyes; I know this whole thing is fake but secretly I'm happy to see that gene carried on. That some trace of my mother gets carried along, even if it is only in this fake doll.

Malfoy leans over to get a closer look at our new baby. Our eyes meet and we grin at each other over our little boy, just for a split second before he remembers himself. I feel a sense of relief at that. If Malfoy has some sort of emotions regarding the baby, then maybe this won't be too bad?

There is something sort of uneasy about the baby though. The enchantments on it much be some high level magic. It's movements and appearance look so natural, like any other baby. But there's an emptiness to its eyes; they don't have that twinkle, that depth, that you'd see in a real child.

In my arms, he settles down, burrowing his tiny head into the crack of my arm. I know that giving up this baby in a month will be almost impossible. I already can feel the strength of my paternal instincts and I've only had it for five minutes.

Malfoy stayed close to me, but I can see how closely he's guarding his emotions. I decide to make the first move and hold out the olive branch,

"Do you want to hold him?"

Silently he nods and takes the sleeping bundle into his own arms. His eyes don't leave the baby. As much as I hate to admit it, Malfoy looks like a natural father. If I didn't know any better, I would've said it was his child. They fit so well together, like two pieces of a puzzle. I feel a spike of jealousy in my gut, I want to have that connection with the baby. There's no way in hell I looked as natural as he does with it.

McGonagall begins speaking again, something about our rooms being ready and having everything we need in them. But I barely listen, focused on watching the blonde-haired boy and baby. Before I know it, everyone's standing up and making their ways out of the classroom towards the dorm wing.

Malfoy stands with the baby and glares at me expectantly before speaking,

"Well take my bag then Potter, seeing as I'm holding him."

Embarrassed to be ordered around but not wanting to make a fuss, I fumble for his bag and sling it over the opposite shoulder to my own. I follow him down the corridor, stumbling like a packhorse as he drifts along.

Eventually we reach our room, luckily just across from Ron and Hermione's, and he looks at me expectantly as if it were my duty to go around opening doors for him. I sign but comply.

We enter into our new home and Malfoy lays the sleeping baby down into the wooden cot, purposely placed in the centre of the room. It's a nice room; two single beds with two bedside tables, a baby changing table with drawers, a wardrobe, a desk. I chuck our bags down on one of the beds before beginning to explore the room. The baby changing table drawers are packed with things, from nappies to baby-grows, bottles and formula to toys. I barely know what half this stuff is for.

Feeling overwhelmed, I slump down on one of the beds- it's sheets a neutral grey instead of the vivid red I was used to. For some reason, Malfoys silent presence from across the room irritates me. Since this began, he's barely said five words to me. As much as I dislike the thought, we're going to have to do this together, so we might as well make a start now.

"Hey Malfoy... you wanna call a truce?"

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