Chapter 10

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3rd Pov

They were in route to the disabled Reaper, Jane was in the mess reviewing the new specs of the ship and the information of the crew members. Ashley arrived and sat down in front of her with a plate as she then began to eat. The two silently continue their activities for a few seconds before Ashley decide to began a conversation.

"Commander... I ... Can we trust the peoples we taken from Omega ?"She began as she search for words, Shepard looked up from her omnitool to look at Ashley who was wearing a white with blue stripes tank and shorts. She deactivated her omni tool.

"Admiral Hackett and the Chairman seem to trust them to be on one of the most advanced ship of the Alliance and with the situation on the Citadel. We can only trust the ones that the higher up have researched intensively."Shepard responded before she took a sip of her cup.

"Yes, but we can't expect all of them to be our allies, they could be making it up to join us."Ashley explained her point of view but just as Jane was about to reply, the door of the mess opened to reveal Miranda and Hoshi talking with one another. They came up to the table, Miranda sat on the left side of Jane as Hoshi sat in front of Miranda.

"Commander, me and Lieutenant Sato have looked in-depth of the systems of the ship and have found that you have unshackled the EDI onboard the ship, why that ?"Miranda asked

"I unshackles her because we need her help, she is a part of the crew as much as you are. If you don't like my choice go back to being the Chairman's right hand."Jane respond with glowing eyes as to her she everyone on this ship including EDI as her crew and as her responsibility.

"I didn't want to anger you Commander, me and Lieutenant Sato are impressed with her capability for being one of our first real AI, she surely one of the most advanced and could probably compete with some of the AI in the UNSC." Miranda explained with a genius curiosity toward EDI's working. Hoshi just nod in agreement while eating a fruit she took before sitting.

Severals other persons arrived and sat with them, one of them was Garrus who was muttering about 'Needing to finish Calibration', another was Tali who was out of her suit and was dressed in the same way as Ashley except her's were different colors of purples showing her shapes, Kasumi was also there in her normal attire, she was looking at her omni tool where multiples programs were being runned this gained multiples confused looks before they shrugged it off. The final person was Liara in blue skin tight pants and a sport bra.

"So, since you all have joined my team, i would like for you to express your though of this mission and those that will come."The question caught Tali and Liara off guard as they hadn't excepted this question, the other just shrug the edge that they having heard in the voice of Jane.

"Well for me, it is an opportunity to put a stop to some of the actions that my mother has began and will also give me the possibility of having access to ancient species' cultures before they were extinct. As for the mission, it scare me but also it doesn't, i know that the Alliance is becoming stronger and stronger with each passing day and that its only a matter of time before my people decide to join up with the Alliance."Liara explained with a small smile, the second to talk was Tali, who was nervous as the attention was projected on her especially since she didn't have her armor on and was still adapting to this fact.

"Well... I am scared like ... really scared, we are fighting something that had eliminated multiples races that were at their peak and most of all were idolized by the Geths as Gods so yes it scare me."The small pause of Tali and her fidgeting was all it took for Jane to think 'Fuck It' and hug her like a plush making her squeak.

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