What's your name?

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Songs of the chapter:
What's my name again?- Blink 182

As I approached Anastine park, I started looking around for the boy who Margaret had described as "frail, tall, matted brown hair, and a pale complexion."

Soon enough I'd found the boy lying on a park bench shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't tell if it was from what was probably blossoming hypothermia or if it was the sobs racking through his body as his eyes flooded the world with tears.

His eyes, oh those eyes the snow made them just a few shades lighter and it just illuminated the beautiful breath-taking jade color of them.

The boy wore brown boots with holes in them due to wear and tear, and jeans with ripped, but patched up, holes in them. On his torso he wore many layers, presumably for warmth, maybe due to lack of closet space. He wore a gray shirt covered with a flannel which was further covered with a hoodie.

I realized I'd been observing him for a few minutes now without attempting a conversation.
"Um, excuse me? Hi, are you okay? Can you hear me?" I asked, trying to get him to open up.
The boy only shook his head and continued to shake. His lips were turning blue along with his long fingers which he kept rubbing together in order to warm up.

"Come on, come with me, it's warm back at the shelter and there's some food ready. It's very nice to meet you. What's your name?"

The boy froze, seizing the shaking for the first time since I've been here, looking me up and down really quick. It seemed as if he was deciding if I was reliable enough to disclose this information to. I didn't take it personally though, lots of people who came to the shelter did not approve of giving out their information to strangers.
After what seemed like a decade, the boy spoke.

In his raspy, deep voice he spoke. One word and that was it;

Inevitable (Revised&Edited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें