What the....CH.9

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(This is Ajax you'll know what I mean when you read it~Enjoy)

1 Week Later
So what's next brother"Stiles says spinning on
his spinning chair after finally eating the bowl of Mac & Cheese that Parrish made,Parrish spent around 10 minutes persuading Stiles to eat and he won he won the battle.
"Well we could...I don't really know I would say road trip but you have school and i also don't know where to go?"The oldest reply's looking a bit sick Ashe kept watching Stiles spin and pain out of Borden and excitement.
After the Funeral Stiles decided and begged Parrish to live with him and he accepted doing the papers and Files So Parrish could be his legal Guardian and after that stiles started to get better,Finally having a bit of colour to his already pale skin,having the tiniest a bit more energy than usual.
But the down side was sleep,he just couldn't go to sleep without nightmares plaguing his mind or the nights sitting staring at the moon because he can't get his slumber.

He's sick and tired of it,but when has he ever been sick and tired.

"Yeah move somewhere,Beacon has quietened down after-after y'know"Stiles says his face slowly turning to a hurt and pained expression of his dad,father the person who raised him as a child now he's gone-dead six feet underground and he still dosent know what happened that night he's tried looking but all he got where dead ends.
Parrish gives him a weak sad smile and walk up to him embracing the Boy in a hug that he gladly accepted back as he sighed in content having the contact that he's been quietly begging for.

Stiles liked Parrish's hugs,they were strong but protective and he was warm so warm because of his Hell Hound and he liked having his Big brother there for him and he will be there back.

"Hey I heard Deaton got some new animals wanna check them out there finally not Cats or kittens,I swear he has millions of them,I'll glance at them not even that and they'll go all bonkers start hissing scratching trying to hurt me like I know Dogs and Cats Hate each other But-but there cute and i want one"Parrish chuckles to himself remembering a Cat escaping ready to eat him but he closed the door just in time,soon after Stiles laughs into his chest before they both untangle themselves from each other"Yeah I think he has dogs they might be friendly"They both unlock the door and Head to Stiles Jeep as his Engine purrs to life and he smiles. Rightly before making his way to The Animal Clinic.

Deaton was the one who wasn't apart of the pack so he was fine with them he even encouraged for stiles to come and chat,Deaton was like a Uncle to him but of course he wouldn't tell him that,it's embarrassing.
Stepping in the door bell chimes signaling that a costumer enters so Deaton peaked his head around the corner and smiled softly at them before freeing the Two"Ahhh,Hello Stiles-Parrish"
"So then what can I do for you it's today unless it's just for a simple chat"The emissary states cleaning the rest of the medical supplies  up from his table where he'd been working on a inured Pup."We heard you got something other than cats"
"Mmmhmm,yes we do we now have Pups if you would just follow me I'll show you"Deaton waves his hands telling them to follow is they oblige they walk past the cat section where Parrish gets threatened by and go into a Bright white door with two windows and a sign that says 'Dogs/Pups'The open the door to reveal kennels with loads of barking,fighting and lively mammals bouncing around enjoying life as they attack each other.
"I'm connected with the San Francisco West Dog parlour called 'Doggy Heaven' they had to many injured pups so they shipped me some and here we are!"He exclaimed as the two started cooing and petting the animals in awe.

Through-out the whole Dogs one catches Stiles eye,it was a Fluffy,White husky with piercing bright blue eyes 'It's a cloud,it's so fluffy'Stiles thought as he stared at the Pup on his back showing his soft belly to the world before backing eye contact with his and yipped excited rolling around on the soft blue carpet to stand up on two Hines legs with its front paw holding to the railing.
"Aww"The possessed boy cooed rushing over to him seeing Two clipboards for the information the one next to the white husky was a sleeping cream coloured Chihuahua.

Stiles always thought they were aggressive but he still loved them they were misfit and cute.
He went to pet the Chihuahua named Chewit  but It opened one eye and snapped at his hand and nearly chomped of his fingers in warning so stiles yelped back in surprise still cursing that there 'Aliens that would soon take over the world'.

But the pure white husky on the other hand was a Male called Ajax,the Male had a scarr  going across its left eye making him look cooler.
But the Female Chewit had half an ear and was definitely scary with its glare towards him,if looks could kill.
"Guess you already met Chewit and Ajax,they both were abused so if your going to adopt Sorry But Chewit can't be or Cheerio"Deaton says stalking to him to smile down at him indicating the Mastiff female named Cheerio.

"C-can I?"

"Yeah go ahead"

When the emissary agreed the boy picked the puppy up by its shoulders and steadily held him to his chest pressing a soft kiss to its temple as Ajax wagged his little tail and barked up at him before getting into a comfortable  and resting his head in the nook of Stiles neck and shoulders to drift off to sleep.

"You can have him,if seems to me he likes you he's usually not this clam around people,I try to feed him once and he bit my hand"

"Really?"Stiles looked back to Deaton and Parrish in conformation and they both nodded,he smiled brightly holding the pup tighter.He went to get his wallet out but Deaton stopped him"No its okay you can have him,think of it as a goodbye gift"
"I-oh thank you But I will be visiting"

Parrish already To Deaton about he plans but Deaton recommended somewhere for them....

"If you're leaving I will miss you but I think I do know where you could go I have family over there"

"You do-you have Family!"

"Yes mhm I do they both are in New Orleans,I will tell you there names but do try and find them they can help out with the Nogitsune problem and I will inform them of your arrival"

"What's there names..."

"Davina Claire and Marcel Gerard".....


Hope you enjoyed sorry for late update~

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