Parrish CH.5

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23rd Of June

Stiles POV

Walking past the pack I glanced for a split second seeing something strange I came to a halt fully snapping my neck to there direction looking at them as they Flicker in and out it's there invisible.
I rubbed my eyes with my fists seeing them not flicker I stepped forward wanting to say something out of a worry but I flinched back and Scoot I'm humanly growled and Snarled"What'cha looking at stiles.....I think you should run along" So I Obliged and Stalked for my locker which I asked to move far away from Scott's or the Pack's my Blue metal locker was Moved to the End of the crowded Hall this side was the Creeps side and as you can see I'm getting weird stares and some of them look like Lust..

Sighing in relief as the Bell went I grabbed my books and Markers Slamming the door shut and Rushed to History......(For the sake of my greatness instead of Kiras dad as History teacher it had to be Mr.Harris like how dare they get rid of Harris)I mean history isn't at all bad it's just really Annoying and you know what else is Annoying Harris, Mr.Harris and his Glares,Remarks and Death Threats like who even does that give me the Hebei Jeebies but it's okay I've got a sarcastic remark already waiting to be spat out at the tip of my tongue.....

"Right Class Settle before one you's her Detention and That'll make me miserable and you don't want to make me more miserable than being in this class"soon as he said that everyone shut up and sat straight in there seats like a bunch of robots well as me I'm just slouching with my head down also with my book and markers out so it looks like I'm doing something"Ahh here we go new Topic....Thank God....And of course you all have to learn about Ann Frank for the Millionth time but isn't worry I'm an expert"I snorted at his confident but quickly covered it with a Sly cough but Of.Fucking.Course he just has to hear it"Want to share anything with the class Stiles...I mean come on up if our think ur the expert"that got a few snickers but I'm done with him so I stood up with a few shock expressions at that and stalked my way over to the Chalk board"Would love to Mr.Harris and I'm an Expert at Ann Frank As Well"I swivelled my Heels glancing at everyone:Danny,Lydia,Scott,GreenBerg,Milia and Kira.....
With that said person sat down at his desk with an Amused Smirk planted on his face so I gave him one back in return..
"Now class as you can see I already wrote in Big Capitals Ann Frank and if you aren't blind you'll be able to see it behind me"
"Ann Frank we all know who she is.....She's a Jewish Girl who wrote a Diary this Diary was named CAT and did you know she was a Gemini scientists proven it by the way she Talks/Writes and projects her piece of work,Also her Birthday was 12th June 1942"
(Boi I didn't search any of this up Ann Frank is one of my Fav topics in History and I love History yes I know I'm a Nerd but I like Nerds do these are based on my Facts)

"Does anyone want to come up here and write any more Facts you know around the Bubble?"I questioned as Danny shrugged and got to his feet snatching the Piece Of Chalk out of my hand and Writing a fact the fact was 'Anne Frank Started her Diary entry's  with either Dear Kitty or Dearest Kitty like an Imaginary Girlfriend'with that he sat down and I Thanked Him But before I can do more Mr.Harris Rudely Interrupted me"Now,Now Stiles i think you've proven you point now sit back down"
"I totally did"I snarked sitting down as the Class bursted our laughing at his Ugly face and for the first time a Real Sly smile tugged on my lips....

1Hour Later

Finally Class ended and I beamed for the door not only to be pushed  into a random locker. Y the one and Only Scott who Growled for the Blillionth time so I just had to say sarcastically"You know if I had a penny every time you snarl at me you'll be here and I'll be on a Yatch"
"Shut up...You think ur so Clever huh Huh?...Well funny Because your not"
"1)I never laughed 2)I don't think I'm funny I think I'm smart and witty 3)Your breath Stinks get it outta my face Wolf Boy"
I say with a Broken Smirk on my face and they could already probably smell the Anxiety,Fear and Awkwardness radiating off me....

The wind blows out of my lungs as I gasp and fall to the floor in an instant as Scott Grabbed my Collar and shoved my Back against the Lockers and walked off  to the cafeteria....
My eyesight blurred as I heard the High Heels and Foot Steps fade away and all I did was go onto all fours gasping for a Breath and When I did I went straight to my IPhone and Phoned my Dad.....



"Hello.....Stiles Hello you there"

"Y-Yeah Dad I-I want to come home p-p Please I wanna go Home"I sob and I hide my face from the World in my knees...

"Yeah Kid I'll get Parrish Just stay on the Phone and I swear to god If I see the Pack again I'm gunna-"

"N-no dad Thanks But no"

He sighs as we both say bye as Parrish Come up to me and Pulls me into his Chest rubbing soothing Circles in my Back as I cry my heart out staining his Uniform.....

"Common Buddy lets get you home,Eh and I'll make spaghetti but just saying my cooking is great I've improved"He states as he leads me to his Police car and I chuckle Shaking my head"Your cooking is anything but great,The last time you cooked for me and Dad it got burned and the contents are still stuck on the bottom"He playfully punches my Shoulder with a Scoff"Hey!...I'll have you know I can make Spaghetti"
"OOOH really like how you could make Tacos?"
"Tacos well you see I didn't read the instructions right"
"Yeah yeah just try and not burn the house down will yah?"
"Okay Daad"
"I'm not that Old My dad is Hes got a Grey hair now"I exclaimed as he drove us to the House
"I'm totally telling him that Now"
"I like eating grass so I can be a Grasser"
"Omg really that's all you got"
I burst out laughing and Parrish followed soon after and for once in Months I actually Properly laughed and Smiled,It's either Parrish or my Dad the one who cheers me up but it's mostly Parrish now I already Called him my big Brother once here is how it went:

Flash Back

We sat down at the Oak Dining Table as My Dad was Raging about the Pack and there Stupidity Until I hear a Click and Parrish Walked In "Wassup Sorry I'm Late some Calls about a Naked Child Running Around the Streets Holding a Knife"
I chuckled at that and Questioned"Did he Stab anyone?"
"Sadly not that would've been Funny and Horrible at the same time,Because imagine getting beat in up by a 5 Year Old"
"Well that's Okay Big Bro Because Dadd'IO over here is screaming his lung off about the Pack"I say then it hit me I called him my Brother,Heat rose to my Face I'm embarrassment and my Dad Smirked in Amusement so I gave an Awkward Cough"S-Sorry about that"I apologised as I put my head down in shame"Hey it's Okay I Don't Mind,Ive always wanted a Little Brother so now I have one"He says sitting next to me and Patting my head  so I genuinely smile at him.....

Present Time

So Yeah That's how me And my Big brother Parrish here became Siblings even though we're not blood related but we don't need.....
We already made a Pact Rule it is "Were Ever you go I go" Because we didn't want to leave each other Alone so If I go to somewhere he'll come and if he goes to like London I'll come......
Me,My Dad and Parrish already thought about going somewhere for a Break but We couldn't Because I had school so we Would only go if something horrible Really happened.... 
I hope it won't come to that I hope not..........

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