Just a joke

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Lewis climbed put of the car with you behind him. You went to the back of the car and stood, staring at the trunk."That's an elaborate thing to do, painting those signs." Fuller came around with the keys and started to open it. Lewis pulled him back, yelling. "No no no! Don't open it!" Fuller stumbled back.

"What?! God!" Lewis raised his hands. "Don't open it." Fuller raised his arms. "Why?" Lewis looked at the trunk. "Why?! What if theres a head or a body in there?! Didn't you think of that?!" Fuller paused, shuffling. "Aw, man, it could be a bomb." You glanced at him. "Do you think a bomb is really in the trunk?" Lewis yelled over you. "Who knows what's in the trunk?!"

Fuller yelled over both of you, waving his arms. "I say we don't open the trunk!" You shook your head. "I'm not getting back in the car until I know what's in the trunk." Lewis threw his arms down at you. You reached over and grabbed the keys from Fuller and stuck them in the lock. "What're you doing?" You unlocked it and let it pop open, stepping back.

The boys stepped forward and Lewis shook his head. "Oh shit." In the middle of the trunk sat a CB. The one Fuller had thrown out the window earlier that day. "We plug it in. We don't talk on it. We just listen." Fuller nodded. "And whatever he says, we just go straight to the police." You nodded. "That sounds good."


The headlights lit up the lonely highway. The CB static was low and you couldn't help but just stare at it. All three of you were silent. Lewis looked between you and Fuller from the backseat. The CB had been quiet for some time now.

"Candy Cane?"

You looked at Fuller and he just shook his head.

"Oh, that's right. I don't mean my Candy Cane, I mean yours."

Lewis sat up further but you all stayed silent.


You froze. "How does he know my name?" Fuller shook his head. "Okay, we're not dealing with this guy, just let him talk all he wants. Just tell me where we're going."

"Do you know when a corpse can't be identified? No next of kin. No one to claim the body." He paused for a moment. "What they do is, the cut off all the fingers. All ten of them."

He paused again. Fuller looked at you but you just stared into the CB.

"They cut off the jaw. They cut off the person's jaw." He stopped again.

"And they put it in a jar. You put it in a jar with some number on it. Like...17."

Fuller had had enough of this. He suddenly grabbed the CB and began going off. "Hey, what the hell do you want man?" Rusty came through again. "I want you to go to the state line truck stop parking lot. I'll find you there."

"And if you go to the police, well. It won't be very good for your girl there."

He cut out and Fuller slammed the mic back down into the holster.


You had made it there by sunrise and were now sitting in the parking lot, waiting for a sign. You stood outside, leaning against the back of the car.

"Good morning."

Fuller looked out the window and yelled to you. "Hey, he's back." You ran up to the door and got in. Fuller grabbed the mic.

"Hey, we're here."

"You know what I want? Fuller, Lewis.  I want you to head inside, sit at the counter, and order six cheeseburgers each."

Fuller scoffed and picked up the mic. "What about y/n?"

"She stays put. But you two are going in naked."

Lewis stopped. "Naked?" Fuller hung his head with a sigh but came back on. "If we go in there, dicks hanging, they're just gonna call the police."

"Aww, c'mon. It's just for fun."

You slapped the seat. "Like shit I'm staying here." Lewis sighed. "Just stay up front with the keys. If you see anything just honk the horn and drive." You gave a nod and sighed, stepping outside while the guys undressed.

They both stepped out as you got back in. They began walking to the diner, ass naked. "God! I can't believe we're fucking doing this." You sat in the car, watching the CB again. Glancing up as you saw them walk into the diner.

"Now they know what it feels like to be the brunt of the joke." You gave a sigh and looked around as Rusty continued.

"Your heart pounding, face red and hot. Now they know what it feels like to be the fucking punch line." You frowned and slowly reached down to grab the mic, still looking around.

"Look, I know what we did. And I'm very very sorry."

"Oh it's a little too late for that, isn't it? I bet you and your friends had a great laugh seeing me standing in the rain, holding the bottle."

"I think sometimes people don't know what they're doing, y'know? They dont think that what they say or how they act can really affect someone and I'm sorry we didn't..."

"Well. That's a lesson your friends are gonna have to learn the hard way, isn't it? You wanna end this now? Here's what your gonna have to do..."


Fuller and Lewis wondered through the hall to the main dining room. A family stood up as the parents saw them and covered there childrens eyes as the passed them, the woman muttering under her breath. Lewis sighed as they made their way to the bar.

They both sat down at the bar, in front of a woman working it.. The older waitress looked between them, extremely unamused. Fuller cleared his throat. "Twelve cheeseburgers, please." She looked between him and Lewis, pausing for a second. "You want fries with that?"

A man came around the corner and placed a hand on his hip. "You boys are lucky I don't own this place, otherwise I'd have your asses thrown out of here now." Lewis began, trying to explain themselves.

"Sir, you don't understand theres this guy, and he's been following us. He gonna kill-" The manager waved him off and Fuller tried to join in to help him when both boys heard the horn blaring. They looked between each other and ran out the front door of the diner.

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