Everything okay?

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You sat on the bed staring at the clock on the nightstand. It was 11:39. Only 21 minutes left until Rusty was supposed to meet 'Candy Cane'. You couldn't help but regret doing that to the man.

What was he supposed to think when the door opened up and he was met by a pissed off, sleep-deprived old man? Not to mention, what would happen to them? What if somebody was gonna get hurt? Maybe they would just talk it out?

Something in your mind to you that was very unlikely but still. Lewis was standing besides the other bed, going through his bag. Fuller sat on the same bed, flipping through TV channels.

Lewis looked up at you and tilted his head a little. You watched the clock, anxiously waiting for the 11 to turn to 12. By now, Lewis put down the clothing he was going through and stood straight.

"Hey, you okay over there?" Fuller's attention was caught and he glanced at Lewis before turned to you. "Yeah, you've been offly quiet over there." You shook you head.

"I'm alright." You turned back to the clock. "I just keep thinking..." Lewis glanced at the clock as well before turning to Fuller. "She's right. It's almost midnight."

Fuller rolled his eyes. "So what?" You frowned a bit. "You're not worried about what's gonna happen in...what? Less than ten minutes now?" Fuller shrugged. "Nah. That guy was douche anyway." You glanced away. He may have right about that but what about the other guy?

"Yeah...I know, but, what about the other guy? Bout Rusty?" Fuller scoffed. "What about him?" You frowned at his remark. "You dont think anything's gonna happen to him?" Fuller shook his head in response. "Nah. He'll be fine."

You hummed in your throat and gave Lewis a small frown. You had at least hoped he'd try to talk some sense into Fuller but no. Maybe he knew it would be about as useless as you did. You checked the clock again. It was one minute til midnight.

Fuller turned up the TV and began talking to Lewis again. They began talking about Fuller getting out of jail and his relationship with their parents. You zoned out, watching the TV more than anything. 

Lewis laid there as Fuller ranted. He paused. "Wait." Fuller continued anyhow. "Shh. Shhhh." You turned your head towards them and Fuller quoted down. You could faintly hear the sound of air breaks letting out. Lewis leaned over and checked the clock.

It was 3 minutes past midnight.

Fuller slowly sat up before he sprinted out of bed. He threw the remote at you as he ran by. "Hit the TV." You quickly turned it off as he ran to the window. Lewis jumped up and turned off the light. You sat up as well, watching Fuller.

He peeked out the window, looking around before he quickly shut it and flung himself around, letting out a choked off noise come from his throat. Lewis gave you a concerned look and you shrugged.

"Its him! Its him! Oh, its him!" Fuller jumped and ran to the door, looking out the peephole.

You jumped as you heard the heavy knock come from besides your room. You could see the grin grow on Fuller's face as you heard the man from next door grumble, "Who the hell's is it?!"

The door squeaked open and you heard the other man's voice come across. Fuller started wheezing as he smiled. Lewis gave a concentrated look as he listened in. "This is amazing!" You raised an eyebrow at him and your attention was suddenly ripped away by three large bangs from the other room.

There was silence for a minute before the voice came in again. It was harder to understand but you could make out some of the words. "Candy Cane, I brought you the pink champagne." You could clearly hear the other guy. "Is this a fucking joke?"

You furrowed your brows as you tried to listen in. "I know this was the right room." More silence. "Are you Black Sheep?" Suddenly there was a heavy thud and what sounded like a sharp gasp.

There was silence again and the two guys moved towards the wall, pressing their ears against it. You sat on the bed, biting your nails,and looking back and forth between them.
There was more communication between the two. Fuller laughed.

"This guy is such an asshole." Lewis raised a finger to his lips.

There was suddenly loud thumps coming from the room next door and you covered you mouth as sounds of what seemed liked choking or gurgling came through the wall. It lasted for a good thirty seconds before everything went quiet.

Lewis pulled his head away from the wall, and stared at Fuller. Fuller blinked a bit. "That's weird." Lewis looked a you for a moment. "You know what I think? I think someone might've gotten hurt."

"No. No. You would've heard that."

"There was a gasp. What if that Rusty Nail guy got hurt?"

"No, it wasn't a gasp. That was a...laugh."

Lewis pulled away from the wall and crossed to the nightstand. "Hey, where're ya going?" He glanced at you before watching Lewis puck up the phone. "What? You calling mom?"

He paused before he started talking into it. "Hi. We just, uh, heard some disturbance from the room next door. Uh, room 17."

Fuller rolled his eyes. "Hi, yeah, this is the drama queen." You frowned at Fuller and waved him off.

"Its hard to say. It was like a thud?" Fuller rolled his eyes and whistled.

"No, we think someone might've been hurt and we thought you might want to check that out, maybe." Lewis gave a sigh. "Alright. Thank you."

Fuller smirked at Lewis. "You know what's gonna happen now, right? The pranks gonna kill the manager." You glared at Fuller and rolled your eyes. "Oh shut up, Fuller."

There was a sudden ringing from next door. It continued for two rings until it was picked up. You could hear a voice through the wall talking. Then silence overtook the room again.

All three of you jumped as your own phone started ringing. Lewis picked it up, hurriedly.

"Hello? Alright. Thank you."

You heard footsteps in the other room. And Fuller stuck his hand out to Lewis, wating.

"He said the guys fine." You sighed and Fuller's arm dropped. "See? What did I tell ya?"

Fuller paused a minute before he went and looked out the doors peephole again. As he looked out, he slowly reached up and pulled the chain into its lock. Lewis himself even went to look out the window one last time before he decided it was best you all just went to bed.

Hunted: Rusty NailWhere stories live. Discover now