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Lewis and Fuller both stopped in their tracks, noticing the silence. The music had stopped and not even the crickets chirped. Lewis looked around, still not being able to find you. Fuller crouched down again, listening as he scanned the rows.

Both of there heads snapped in direction of the truck as they saw the stacks of the truck blow exhaust and heard the engine whine. Fuller watched, confused and hung back slightly. Lewis immediately ran closer. "Y/n!" He ran just to the edge of the corn rows, where he watched as the truck backed off.

He stood up slowly, watching as the black machine swung around and headed the way it had come. His attention was drawn back to you.
"Y/n?" Lewis took off, still cautious of the truck, now barely in sight. "Fuller?"

Fuller now ran down a row, headingbthe way the truck had left. He stopped as he softly heard his name being called. "Lewis?" He jogged ahead. Lewis picked his head up again, relieved to hear a voice. "Fuller!"

He ran to the right of him where he met Fuller, almost crashing into him. Both of them gave a sigh, winded as it was. Fuller looked around but gave a small smile. "Hey, you alright?" Lewis nodded. "I'm fine." Fuller paused for a second before looking around. "And y/n?"

Lewis stopped, looking back into the field. "She was back there..." Lewis started through the field. "Y/n? Y/n, you can come out. Hes backed out." Lewis paused, hearing silence. "Y/n?" Lewis started frantically looking around, spinning in a circle as he looked. "Y/n?!"

Fuller still panted, letting out a groan as he heard the panic in Lewis's voice. "You let her out of your sight?!" Lewis ignored the question still looking. "God damnit! You let her out of your sight!" He grabbed a hold of Lewis's jacket and Lewis gave him a harsh shove, pushing him off of him. "And where the hell were you, huh?!"

Fuller pointed, shoving lewis back. "I was back there, man! Back there!" They both froze, realizing the seriousness of the situation. "Y/n!
Y/n!!!" They both started yelling, searching the rows as they called your name.

Their attention was grabbed by flames that shot above the rows of corn. Lewis could hear your voice break through.

"Lewis! Help me please!"

They darted out from the edge of the field, met by the blazing heat from Lewis's car. The whole hood was in flames. Your cries came through the CB, blaring.


He ripped open the door, grabbing the CB radio. "God damnit. Leave her alone! Please!" Fuller's gaze locked on the flames. "Lewis!" Lewis ignored him. "We'll do whatever you want, please dont hurt her!"

Rusty's voice came over the CB, harsh, cutting through the air in a cold tone. "You dont feel like meeting me at a motel later, do you?"

Lewis was frantic as he pressed the button to speak. "We'll do whatever you want!"

Fuller dropped to the ground and looked under the car. His eyes widened in horror as he watched the gasoline leak from the car, watching it catch fire as it hit the ground.

"Meet me in the next town. Benford. Room 17. Midnight. Do not be one minute late."

Fuller scrambled to his feet and grabbed Lewis's shoulder. "Lewis get away!" He tugged on his shoulder but he still didnt move. "C'mon man!" He threw his hand down and darted back into the cornfield.

"And if there was anyway you could bring pink champagne? That's my favorite."

Lewis glanced over at the bottle and grabbed it as Fuller jumped back out and grabbed him. "God damnit, lewis! Get away!" He pulled him back into cornfield and the both hit the ground as soon as the car behind them exploded, flames shooting into the sky.

Lewis scrambled to his feet and stumbled out of the rows, raising his arm to cover his face from the heat. He looked back at Fuller before he paused, glancing down the road.


The floor was cold. You couldn't see his face. You could barely see anything, come to think of it. The cab was dimly lit. The only light you could see was provided the small lights that illuminated the dashboard, its glow reflecting off every surface in the truck.

You strained at your wrists which were now bound. If only you could reach your face. Hair was plastered to your face from the sweat of running and adrenaline. Hair was even sticking to the rag that was being used as a gag.

You threw you head to the side, removing some of the hair. A click caught your attention and you looked back up.

The flame from a lighter danced, standing still for a moment before it was drawn closer to its carrier. The flame was covered by a hand, obviously being drawn to a cigarette.

You watched carefully. With another click, the light was gone and all that remained was the glowing butt of the cigarette. He dragged off of it and removed it from his lips, blowing smoke out the window.

You held your breath as he looked down at you. You didnt like that you couldn't see his face. His laugh sent chills down your smile as he leaned a bit closer to you.

"Seems we've finally met, huh, candy cane?"

He could see fear spread through your eyes and he chuckled.

"Maybe we won't just meet your friends. Oh, wouldn't that just be funny. Showing up somewhere. Expecting something. Only to be disappointed. It'd be just hilarious, huh?"

Venom flooded his voice and you couldn't help but look away, feeling his eyes bore into you. You muttered against the gag, closing your eyes with a sob.

He grabbed you, pinning your face between his thumb and his index finger and turning your head to face him. He held you there for a moment before he ripped the rag out of your mouth, waiting for a repeat.

"I...I'm sorry..."

"Oh honey, it's a little late for that now ain't it? You gotta learn."

He let go of you, your face falling away from him. Tears burned at your eyes and you let out a sob, drawing your knees closer to your chest.

You prayed Lewis and Fuller would get there in time.

Hunted: Rusty NailWhere stories live. Discover now